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OK Pastor Beat Up After Father Sees Him Inappropriately Touch His Son

By Julie Roys
murder crime woman
(Photo: Flickr / Creative commons)

EDITORIAL NOTE: The Roys Report has removed the content of this article (as of January 10, 2024) because records indicate that authorities did not proceed with a case against the accused.




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15 Responses

  1. In the UK, where innocent until proven guilty remains a cultural principle, both the Pastor and the parent might have been arrested and investigated.
    While the Pastors alleged offence remains to be proven, the parent’s offence of serious assault would seem to be already acknowledged as proven.

      1. Brian – “Woke” does not mean what you think it means, especially the way you incorrectly applied it here.

    1. I think many parents in this situation would be happy to find out how the law works in this scenario by testing out.
      Having to live with the consequence of not protecting one’s child is a far worse penalty than that which could be imposed by the law.

  2. I have an eight-year-old granddaughter where everyone says will be a heartbreaker, by the time she’s 18. I can’t imagine what her father would do to anyone who would abuse her in like manner as this young boy was, myself included. This creep deserved it, every bit of it.

      1. If you touch someones child without permission, unless in an instance of protection/medical assistance, you deserve whatever happens to you. It is more disappointing how many Pastors/Christians use the Bible to support their criminal behavior.

      2. Maybe you need to consider what it would be like if your little girl or boy was abused in front of your eyes? It is easy to virtue signal from afar.

      3. Jacob,

        I seem to recall Dinah’s brothers taking quite a bit more vigilante justice into their hands than this PO’d dad. OTOH I don’t recall Jesus being meek with the moneychangers and Pharisees.

      4. At the first sign of conflict??? That is what you call lewd and indecent acts to a child???? WOW. Or should I say WOE. As in all the WOEs in Jeremiah regarding corrupt and evil pastors.

      5. Not sure which Bible you think has “gone out the door”? The God of the millstone–Jesus–is angry when little ones who believe in Him are caused to stumble, which most certainly happens to EVERY child who is sexually molested/assaulted. I’m sure Dad is willing to submit to the authorities God has placed over him and accept whatever consequences there are for protecting his son.

  3. People are really coming here to attack the father and defend the molester? Really? How is that Christian? That just takes the cake…

  4. Hard to fault the father for protecting his son. I could not find the video of the incident, but unless evidence shows the father greatly misjudged what happened, he was truly protecting is child, as any father would.

    Even though issues like this with pastors or teachers make big news (and should not happen), they are in fact not very common, when considering the millions of interactions each day in schools and churches between children and adults.

    I work in a school, and I can assure anyone we are very aware of the need to be careful of behavior around students, and an adult alone with a child, where no one can see, would be very unusual.

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