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Local Police Rule Mica Miller’s Death a Suicide

By Liz Lykins
mica miller
Mica Miller, wife of a pastor in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, died on Apr. 27, 2024, which has been ruled a suicide by local authorities following an investigation. (Photo: Facebook)

Authorities In North Carolina have ruled the much-disputed death of pastor’s wife Mica Miller a suicide, according to a statement released Tuesday.

Miller’s death on April 27 has been embroiled in controversy, following statements from her family members that Miller’s husband, John-Paul Miller, was abusing Mica, and that Mica feared for her life.

John-Paul Miller is pastor of Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, but was released on Sunday from all ministerial functions for “a time of healing, counsel, and guidance.”

Mica Miller and her husband were in the process of divorcing at the time of her death, The Roys Report (TRR) previously reported.

Mica’s death garnered national attention and even lead to protests with people calling for #JusticeForMica.

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However, the sheriff’s office ruled Mica’s death a suicide, based on surveillance footage, interviews, physical evidence, and the examination of the N.C. Medical Examiner’s Office.

“Unfortunately, rumors and conspiracy theories were spreading quickly, and assumptions were being made,” said Robeson County Sheriff Burnis Wilkins. “However, in the end, we must make decisions based on the facts, and evidence that has been gathered. While I know it’s not what many people wanted to hear, the evidence is quite clear and compelling, and we are as saddened as anyone that this occurred.”

Wilkins explained that “many factors” led to a thorough investigation of her death, but “in the end, sadly, a tragic decision was made by Mica that ended her life.”

Before the sheriff released the findings, many supporters of Miller questioned the circumstances of her death.

Miller’s sister, Sierra Francis, expressed that the pastor’s wife was fearful “she would not make it to the divorce and that her life would be taken from her,” according to statements made in probate court records.

“Mica stated to me on many occasions ‘if I end up with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP,’” Francis said.

Pastor John-Paul Miller, however, said that his wife repeatedly struggled with suicide. The day after her death, John-Paul preached a sermon at Solid Rock and mentioned Mica’s death and her struggles only at the end of the service.

“Ya’ll knew that she wasn’t well mentally – and that she needed her medicine that was hard to get to her,” he said.

Mica Miller, left, pictured with her husband, John-Paul Miller, pastor of Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Photos: social media)

The day of Miller’s death

The sheriff’s office provided details on Mica Miller’s whereabouts and timeline on the day she died.

Around noon on April 27, Miller purchased a handgun at a pawnshop.

Then around 3:00 p.m., the Robeson County E911 Communications Center received a 911 call from a woman who asked the dispatcher if her phone could be located because “she was going to kill herself and wanted her family to be able to find her body,” the sheriff’s office said.

The caller hung up and the dispatcher was unable to contact her, according to the statement. However, the dispatcher found the caller’s location at Lumber River State Park and sent a deputy to the area.

Deputies and state park rangers then searched the park and found a black Honda Accord with a South Carolina registration in the parking lot, the statement said. Police confirmed the vehicle belonged to Mica Miller.

In the car, investigators found a Sig Sauer gun case and a box of ammunition, the statement reported. They also found receipts for the gun that was dated for the same day of Miller’s death.

mica miller
In surveillance footage dated Apr. 27, 2024, Mica Miller purchased a gun in a local store. (Video screengrab / WPDE ABC15)

While looking for Miller, police said they were approached by a man who had found a bag near the water edge with identification belonging to Miller. The person said he heard someone crying and a gunshot while he was fishing.

As police continued the search, E911 received a call from someone who found a body in the water. Police went to the location and the victim was identified as Mica Miller, the statement said.

Additionally, a Sig Sauer gun was found in the water at the crime scene — the gun had a matching serial number to the gun case found in Miller’s car.

Police confirmed that Miller and her husband were separated and in the process of a divorce. They added that John-Paul Miller was allegedly involved with another person romantically. However, both John-Paul Miller and this person were not in North Carolina the night before or the day of Mica Miller’s death, police added.

“This incident has garnered much attention from across the Carolinas and beyond. I want to assure everyone that a very methodical investigation was conducted by our Criminal Investigations Team and Crime Scene Investigative Team,” Sheriff Wilkins said.

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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8 Responses

  1. Now the question remains as to whether any abuse and manipulation from her husband (Soon to be Ex-husband) contributed to her wanting to commit suicide.

    1. It’s not likely that he would be prosecuted for that anyway. But the Lord knows whatever the truth is, and He brings true justice in the end.

  2. Although the law cannot charge how his behavior may have led to her suicidal result. A civil lawsuit can and the church he leads can sure ask the question – do we want the same leader caring for us in the same way he cared for his own wife (1 Tim 3:4-5).

  3. What a deeply tragic situation! My heart breaks for those who loved her. And yes, the Lord will deal with those who hurt her.

  4. This story sounds even more suspect with the police report added info added. Anyone else seeing this? It seems very pat.

  5. The cynic in me says the newly widowed husband will milk this tragedy for as long as he can, then lay low for a while. I say in about 2 years, this so-called pastor will announce that he met and is now engaged (aka “traded up”) to a much younger, newer, and prettier model. Complete with all the Christianese BS language about how God enabled them to meet, both needed healing from past tragedies, blah, blah, blah, etc. Though she may want check the fine points of any life insurance polices taken out on her by new hubby. (Which reminds me, I wonder if there was some sort of LE payout to him for Wife #1’s untimely demise.)

    1. The ME ruling this a suicide doesn’t sit well with me. Why? Because it’s the South where Male Pastor’s carry A Lot of Power in Their Communities. I hope there’s No Covering Up for This Pastor.

      1. There is no reason to suspect the Sheriff is trying to cover up anything. Their investigation was thorough and transparent. I read many reports when I worked in LE, even made a few myself. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please share it.

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