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James Robison Under Fire for Discrepancies Regarding Involvement with Robert Morris in 1980s

By Julie Roys
robison morris
Life Outreach International Founder James Robison (left) pictured with Gateway Church Founding Pastor Robert Morris. (Photo: Facebook)

Televangelist James Robison is under fire for his alleged involvement decades ago in the “restoration” of now-disgraced Pastor Robert Morris and recent statements Robison has made that appear to be false.

Morris resigned last week from Gateway Church, a megachurch in the Dallas area, following the release of shocking allegations he molested Oklahoma resident Cindy Clemishire from 1982—1986, when she was 12 to 16 years old.

In a video posted online two days ago, Robison said he was aware that Morris had “moral failure in his past” but Robison claimed he had “no idea it was a crime against a child.”

Robison also denied allegations he was involved in Morris’ restoration to ministry. And he published a letter from Clemishire’s attorney, Boz Tchividjian, stating that Robison was not at a meeting with Clemishire’s father in the 1980s in which the abuse had been revealed.

Robison’s claims come in response to allegations leveled by Stephen LeBlanc, a former friend and employee of Robert Morris.

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Stephen LeBlanc Robert Morris
Former Friend and employee of Robert Morris, Stephen LeBlanc. (Source: Video Screengrab)

In an interview published last Tuesday, LeBlanc, claimed that Robison had attended the meeting in 1987 between Clemishire’s father and elders of Morris’ church, Shady Grove Church. LeBlanc has since issued an apology to Robison for his assertion that Robison was at that meeting.

However, LeBlanc said Morris had relayed to him numerous times over the years that Robison had handed off Morris to Olen Griffing, then-pastor of Shady Grove Church, for restoration.

“It was always that James (Robison) was right in the middle of it,” LeBlanc added.

Robison, founder and President of Life Outreach International (formerly the James Robison Evangelistic Association), admits he employed Morris in the 1980s. However, in a statement released last week, Robison claimed that Morris didn’t join JREA until the “late 80’s.”

At that time, Morris was a “morning supervisor in the call center,” the statement said. The statement also claimed that Robert Morris’ duties “did not include public speaking.”

Robison adds that he was not involved in “professional counseling or formal restoration to ministry for Robert Morris.”

However, news clippings from the 1980s tell another story. They show Morris was an evangelist with JREA and spoke at multiple crusades and rallies, beginning in 1982.

Clippings show Morris was ‘evangelist’ with Robison from 1982—1988

According to an April 25, 1982, article in the Longview News-Journal, Morris joined the James Robison Evangelistic Association (JREA) as “an associate evangelist” in December 1982.

A June 1983 clipping from the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer referred to Morris as an “evangelist” with JREA and said he’d be conducting a youth rally for a week. A September 1983 article in The Mountaineer Echo in Arkansas said Morris, “an associate evangelist” with JREA, would preach at Yellville Baptist Church. Similarly, a December 1983 article in the Louisiana paper, The Town Talk, announced Morris, who’s “on the evangelism staff” of JREA, would preach revival services at Ball Baptist Church.

Robert Morris James Robison
Robert Morris’ Preaching Engagements with James Robison Evangelistic Association in 1983

Morris, a “Staff Evangelist” with JREA apparently returned to Ball Baptist for revival services in August 1984  

A 1986 advertisement in The Waco Citizen also refers to Morris as a “staff evangelist” with the JREA and says he’ll be conducting a crusade at a community park.

The Roys Report (TRR) was not able to find any mention of Morris preaching in 1987—the year his restoration allegedly began.

However, Morris preached at a three-day revival at Chapel Hill Fellowship in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in October 1988—about 18 months into his alleged two-year restoration, according to an ad in The Vicksburg Post. The ad says Morris is “a member of Evangelist James Robison Ministries.”

Morris is called a “former associate of James Robison” in a May 1989 clipping from the Southern Illinoisan, indicating Morris left JREA sometime between October 1988 and May 1989.

TRR called James Robison and spoke with an associate in his office about some of these discrepancies. In response, the ministry issued a new statement with a revised timeline to TRR.

The statement says that human resources at Robison’s LIFE Outreach International had “scoured digital and archived personnel records and spoken with previous employees and supervisors in order to better establish a timeline of Rober Morris’ employment and roles.”

The statement confirms that Morris served as an associate evangelist with JREA from January 14, 1982—May 31, 1982 “and was involved in public speaking during these four-and-a-half months.”

But LIFE Outreach claimed in the statement that Morris was not employed by JREA from June 1982—June 1987, contradicting the clippings we found from 1983, 1984, and 1986.

The statement further claims that from July 1987—July 1988, Morris was employed by the JREA call center and his duties “did not involve any public speaking during this time frame.” It adds, “Any subsequent speaking engagements were not as an employee of JREA.”

Robison’s ‘affair’ in 1980

TRR has also learned that Robison was engaged in sexual misconduct around the same time as Morris. According to a 1990 article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Robison had an “extramarital affair” 10 years prior to the article—around 1980.

The woman involved was in her early twenties at the time of the “affair,” was living with Robison and his family, and was employed by the televangelist’s ministry.

James Robison
James Robison preaches on repentance in 1980, saying sexually immoral, including “adulterers,” will not inherit the Kingdom of God. (Source: Video screengrab)

Many today would consider Robison’s misconduct adult clergy sexual abuse.

According to Boz Tchividjian’s firm, BozLaw, “Adult clergy sexual abuse occurs when a religious leader engages in sexual contact (hand on OR hands off) with an adult congregant or any vulnerable person. . . . This type of abuse usually involves the offending pastor using his/her authority and power to manipulate the victim to ‘consent’ to the conduct.”

According to the 1990 article, well-known Pastor John Hagee of Hagee Ministries, and the late Jamie Buckingham of Charisma Magazine and Texas Pastor Jack Taylor acted as spiritual advisors when the “indiscretion” came to light. Taylor said the issue resurfaced in 1990 because the woman involved “still had some emotional problems over what happened.”

Jim Rogers, then-executive director of Robison’s ministry, told the Star-Telegram that Robison gained victory over his infidelity in 1982 when Robison was delivered from demons.

“The whole thing being stirred up now is hurting people,” Rogers added. “There are always people who are going to be malicious and nothing but talebearers.”

Sheila Stogsdill contributed to this report.

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals.



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36 Responses

  1. Please. This crap has always been going on. The hypocracy that comes out of the lying mouths of these preachers. Neve, never condemn the Catholic church you whitewashed Fundamentalists.

    1. All sexual sin within the Church needs to be condemned no matter what the denomination or theological umbrella it stands under. Catholics don’t get some magical pass just because the same behavior exists in Protestant churches. It is equally wrong no matter who is doing it.

  2. I think it is totally unfair to write about James affair in 1980. I did not know about it and didn’t need to know it. What was the purpose in doing that?

    1. Susan, James’ affair in 1980 sheds light on why he was unlikely to look too closely at Robert’s sexual conduct in 1982. It helps explain why a “traveling evangelist” with a partner was able to rape a child. It also helps explain why James initially lied about Roberts involvement in James’ ministry during the time, and even when evidence was shown of the lies, still didn’t provide actual truth.

      It is totally fair to note that BOTH men disqualified themselves from ministry or leadership. Light is disinfectant, and the house of God needs to be cleansed.

      1. “James’ affair in 1980 sheds light on why he was unlikely to look too closely at Robert’s sexual conduct in 1982.”

        Yes, it does. It seems as though the organization’s principles allowed an evangelist to just help himself if a female was physically nearby.

      2. And John Hagee did not look too closely at Robison’s sexual conduct, as Hagee himself had an affair with a woman his first church while he was a pastor in 1975. He was defrocked, started his own church, and divorced his first wife to marry the woman he had the affair with. She became wife #2 and the First Lady of Cornerstone Church.

      3. IF we look at the life of David, we see that he did nothing about Amnon violating Tamar, very possibly because his own prior sin with Bathsheba compromised his ability to have authority in that area.

  3. Julie- your work is deeply appreciated- as a SGM survivor, I applaud your courage and advocacy for victims. God bless you.

  4. James Robison keeps trying to use the words “professional” and “formal” in a misleading way in his statement, saying, “James Robison nor JREA was involved in professional counseling or formal restoration to ministry for Robert Morris.” But, even if he didn’t have a “professional” or “formal” role doesn’t mean he didn’t play a very real and active part on a PERSONAL level. In the video posted on the Wartburg Watch from just a few months ago when Robert Morris was a guest on James Robison’s TV show, James Robison clearly states how close the two of them have always been on a personal level, and James also says, “I’ve been an elder of the church since Gateway was birthed”. I plea with James Robison to simply humble himself and publicly apologize for any way he was a part of Robert Morris being placed into a pastoral role after having criminally sexually abusing Cindy Cleminshire.

    1. Robinson put a youtube video out with his total denial of a relationship with Morris. Naturally, his wife, aka “the forgiving little woman” was sitting on his shoulder, nodding in agreement with all his lies. That was suppsed to make him believable.

  5. Thank you for your continued coverage of this story.

    Was there a hand book written for predatory ministers; a how to respond when they get caught/ exposed for sexual abuse?

    I realize they don’t view the power differential as an issue, hence it wasn’t abuse to them.

    I saw the video of Betty setting beside James, as the dutiful Christian wife. Like so many women within conservative churches that teach submission at all costs.

    I’m weary of the flying monkeys that come forward to defend using the example of King David. When he was confronted he didn’t use carefully crafted manipulative language to acknowledge his sin. He totally owned it and repented.

    Where is Robert Morris hiding out? Is he laying low, allowing, hoping the story will die down before he surfaces? He knows he’s out of the woods regarding criminal charges. He has enormous weath so he can easily settle a civil penalty. Maybe, he’s getting repentance counseling from 3 friends in the ministry, just like Robinson did, and more recent example, Johnny Hunt former SBC president/ abuser.

    1. I don’t like them comparing themselves to King David for definitely repented(2 Sam.12:1-14;
      PSA.51). I seriously doubt these others did.
      But one thing I do believe they will have in common with King David. Read 2 Sam.chpt.11 to 1 Kings 2. King David suffered horrible consequences for the rest of his natural life! And Mark it down. Robert Morris will do the same!

      1. I was just thinking the same thinking the same thing. Think about this verse:
        1 Timothy 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
        “Them which are without” – unbelievers. Also, if you read the chapter, it is very clear that church leaders MUST be blameless. But there are literally thousands upon thousands who are not blameless. They all should be stepping down right now.

  6. Receipts always tell the truth. Julie, thank you for always simply and clearly providing facts so the body of Christ can be wise, pray and be discerning of the times.

  7. Jim Rogers attributes Robison ‘affair’ on demons. Does that make it OK for Robison? Rogers doesn’t like the past now being brought to light. Well, that’s what going to happen when Jesus returns.
    Interesting how when one weed is found, so many more get uncovered.

  8. So good to know that Robinson finally got delivered from those “demons” that caused his infidelity.

    1. They should read Galatians 5:19 because adultery is first on the list of “works of the flesh [carnal nature]”.
      And then they should read Galatians 5:22-23 and ESPECIALLY verse 24 because that verse suggests that if the flesh hasn’t been crucified in a person then they are not Christ’s!
      Romans 8:9 & 14 say the same.

      Also, there’s an article on wayoflife dot org (“The Downfall of James Robison”) from 2017 which says that he had other “works of the flesh” i.e. anger (and having seen his TV show, I would suggest other issues too).
      And it says that after his “deliverance” from demons by a preacher named Milton Green, he suddenly became passionately ecumenical!
      The article therefore rightly questions the “success” of the deliverance…

  9. Thank you Julie (and others) for your dedication to the truth. These men have made millions upon millions while victims lie in the ditch bleeding, bruised and battered. May everything come to light.

  10. Julie Roys, Your investigations are the bomb! Thank you for pursuing these televangelists, hucksters, charlatans, false ministers making millions, 10’s or 100’s of millions, pedaling Gods Word for their own profit. Apostasy is rampant no longer able to hide within the institutional church industry. I keep thinking back to Acts and first century followers of Jesus Christ. They were persecuted and hunted down by Jewish Synagogue priests, Roman government. Christians had to meet in secret, in peoples homes. No Mega-Church flamboyant Charismatics with body guards, chauffer driven luxury vehicles. Living in multi million dollar mansions, owning jets, all on the backs of their congregations tithes and offerings. Keep up the great work Julie and staff.

  11. Julie and others,

    Curious-er and Curious-er. John Hagee was involved as a spiritual advisor for Robison in regards to his affair. Hagee himself was defrocked by the AOG when he was a pastor for having an affair with a woman in his church. He then divorced his first wife, married the woman he had the affair with, and had 2 more children with her. In the meantime, he left the AOG and started his own fiefdom known as Cornerstone Church. You may want to do a deep dive on Hagee as well. This was back in 1975.

  12. There has been a lot reported on whether Robison met with the Cindy Clemishire’s family in 1987. Has anyone taken the time to contact Cindy’s parents? Toby and Susan Clemishire are alive, and they are on Facebook. The parents have remained silent as far as I know. Did they sign a non-disclosure agreement in 1987?

  13. FWIW, it was a carpet cleaner or janitor named Milton Green who exorcised James Robison’s demons. I recall Robison describing the lust as being like a claw on his brain, and when Milton spoke to the demons and expelled them, James exclaimed “It’s gone! The claw on my brain is gone!” I believe I heard him share this in 1985 at a Restoration Seminar (I have the cassette recording).

  14. Susan, James affair involves more than the affair. James was a Southern Baptist when he first started out. I was a young Southern Baptist at that time as well. James has been a con man for the get go. He has bamboozled so many folks that not even he can remember them all. He went to the Charismatics because there he could make up his theology as he went along.

  15. Julie and Sheila,

    Thanks for doing the digging and getting the receipts.

    Clearly Robert Morris was part of James Robison’s evangelistic enterprise while he was committing sex crimes against children for several years per the receipts.

    You also have to wonder why James Robison tolerated Robert Morris’ issues? Was it his own adultery?

    also, why is Robison still obfuscating the truth about his employment of Morris?

  16. Excellent investigative reporting! Thank you.

    After reading about these “revivals”, I feel strongly that these were used to secure donations and fund the living expense (and way beyond basic needs in many cases) of these evangelistic association “preachers”. I do not think these revivals are needed or in step with the ministry instructions that Jesus gave to the church. They cite numbers of people “saved” at the meetings, but that is only people making a verbal “decision” and is not evidence that God is working in them a new heart. That takes time to see.

    After the travel evangelistic season dried up, during the formative times of our digital age, these snake oil hucksters focused on megachurches as their primary method of fleecing the flock.

    Sexual immorality in the context of men using the gospel for personal gain is hardly surprising. It should be expected.

  17. So Robison was delivered from demons in 1982 but he had been a pastor prior to that time. I find that extremely telling.

    1. He should have had Milton Green toss the demon of pedophilia out of the Rev. Morris back then. . . .

      1. I highly doubt it was a demon in either case. More likely their own fleshly desires. But it is easy and convenient to throw a demon under the bus so you can avoid personal responsibility. “The Devil made me do it.” is about as believable as “The Dog Ate My Homework.”

  18. Kind of makes me feel like writing to the organizations of these guys and asking for my mother’s donations back to help with her care in the dementia ward where she now lives. After all, those blood moons and the apolcalypse that was supposed to whisk her away while she could still write a check never materialized. (Just one example of the lies they spewed that she believed–with fear and trembling.)

  19. I am so thankful for Julie Roys “talebearing”,in reality it’s just truth-telling and uncovering wickedness. Talebearer is such a choice word and typical from spiritual abuser.

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