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Megachurch Pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes Denies Sexual Misconduct at Diddy’s Parties

By Liz Lykins
td jakes sexual misconduct diddy
On Dec. 24, 2023, T.D. Jakes addresses his congregation at The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, (Video screengrab)

Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor at the non-denominational megachurch The Potter’s House, denied allegations he engaged in gay sex at wild parties hosted by embattled music producer Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs, aka “Diddy.”

Unconfirmed reports on TikTok and YouTube allege that Jakes had sex with men at Combs’s parties and groomed a former mentee.

The 66-year-old preacher appeared to respond to the claims during the Christmas Eve service at The Potter’s House, calling the accusers “liars,” according to a video of the service posted on the church’s website. Jakes added that even “if everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely from my heart.”

Jakes urged his congregation in Dallas not to worry about him because “I’m good.”

“Would y’all please do me a favor and stop worrying about me and give God some praise and honor and glory?” Jakes said in a public livestream which has since been made private. “I can feel you . . . I am fine. I’m good. I’m good. I’m the man for the job. I’m good.”

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potter's house
The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, (Photo: Facebook)

He continued, “The worst that could happen, if everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely, from my heart. There’s enough power in the blood to cover all kinds of sin. I don’t care what it is, the blood would fix it. But I ain’t got to repent about this.”

Jakes added he wanted to use the service to preach, rather than address lies. “All of you who expect me to address a lie, you can log off,” Jakes said.

A viral TikTok video, though, claims Jake slept with multiple men at Comb’s parties. The video has been viewed more than 1.7 million times on the platform.

The video also alleged that years ago Jakes slept with a former mentee, unidentified in the video, when he was a boy. The video claims that the boy’s parents were paid off to keep quiet but now the mentee plans to soon come forward.

Larry Reid, host of the show Larry Reid Live, claimed the groomed mentee is Prophet Manasseh Jordan in a recent YouTube video.

Jordan also posted a video discussing grooming in ministry settings and how 2024 will be a “year of exposure.” Jordan doesn’t mention Jakes in the video.

However, Reid claims that Jordan confided to the host that it was Jakes who groomed and assaulted the mentee.

The social media and video allegations are baseless, said executive director of public relations and communications for T.D. Jakes Ministries, Jordan A. Hora.

“Recent claims circulating on pockets of social media about Bishop T.D. Jakes are unequivocally false and baseless,” Hora told The Christian Post. “Chairman Jake — undeterred by false, perverse, ignorant, and conspiratorial speculations — will persevere in his continued dedication to create meaningful change for millions around the globe guided by the timeless principles of compassion, service, and ministry.”

Hora said it was “disheartening to witness the proliferation of numerous deep fake photos and the distortion of words through false, sensationalized misrepresentations, encapsulating purported statements to falsely speculate and attack others, including Bishop Jakes.”

Jakes’ allegations came to light after Diddy was sued in federal court in November by Cassie, an R&B singer once signed to his label, who accused the music mogul of rape and repeated physical abuse over about a decade.

In the last month, four additional plaintiffs have filed civil lawsuits against Combs accusing him of rape, sex-trafficking a minor, assault and a litany of other alleged abuses, according to The Columbian. Combs and his attorneys have denied the accusations.

Jakes was tied into Combs’ controversies when a Facebook video alleged that the bishop attended Combs’ 53rd birthday party in Los Angeles. 

potter's house t.d. jakes
The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, (Photo: Facebook)

However, Derrick Williams, executive vice president of TD Jakes Entertainment, told The Christian Post that the video was captured during a brief stop at the party while he and Jakes were on business in the area.

“As a filmmaker, executive producer and one of the pioneers of value-based movies, Bishop Jakes, in his role as CEO of T.D. Jakes Entertainment, paid respect to the former Chairman of Revolt during the celebration of his birthday,” Williams said. “We felt that a quick appearance at the former Chairman of Revolt’s birthday event was the respectful thing to do since Bishop Jakes’ sermons are aired on the Revolt Network.”

Williams continued, “We both greeted the family, Bishop Jakes recorded a brief celebratory birthday video and left immediately to take our other scheduled meetings. Any accusation to the contrary is wholly unsubstantiated, unverified, and false.”

Jakes is known for being a “charismatic leader, visionary, provocative thinker, and entrepreneur,” according to the Potter’s House website. He has been in ministry for more than 40 years and has been listed as a “Top 10 Religious Leaders” by PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly.

Jakes previously made headlines in 2012 when he was accused of heresy while attending an Elephant Room conference, a theological roundtable featuring blunt conversations amongst pastors.

James MacDonald invited Jakes to speak at Round 2 of the conference. However, many Reformed Christians criticized Jakes’ attendance and accused him of being a “heretic” due to his purported belief in modalism — which is the view that members of the Trinity are distinct modes rather than part of one Godhead,

MacDonald’s invitation to Jakes allegedly led to MacDonald resigning as a council member on The Gospel Coalition.

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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53 Responses

      1. You do understand modalism is a heresy and denies the that all members of the Trinity are distinct persons right? There is no log. Maybe you should read up on what exactly are the core tenets of Christianity.

      2. Austin — Quote the full Scripture; not just a portion of it. It’s talking about removing a “log” from your own eye to then clearly judge or discern something — and help another to see clearly. How would you know if Charles has or has not done that? This verse is too often chopped off to shut someone up, when it’s meant to encourage people to clearly see the Truth.

      3. You always know you are dealing with someone grasping at straws when they respond to the truth about a false teacher with “Be weary of the log in your eye,” and don’t even spell wary right. Since I’m not running around openly teaching false doctrine, I don’t have a a log in my eye. You win no points and you don’t even leave with a board version of the game.

  1. Concerning statement form the Bishop Jakes “if everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely from my heart.” Umm, sure, but you are most certainly disqualified for Christian leadership. Also, where is the compassion for the victims, Bishop?

      1. Who made him a bishop?

        Come on everyone knows that. He went to Burger King and they were handing out 👑 Crowns . He remembered that Eddie Long thing from a few years ago where they sat Eddie in a throne , crowned him and carried him around. Walking to his Rolls Royce Jakes said wow I’m a Bishop . Poor Eddie didn’t get a whooper but both these guys have been telling them for years TJ should study what happen to Eddie and straighten UP .

  2. “The worst that could happen, if everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely, from my heart. There’s enough power in the blood to cover all kinds of sin. I don’t care what it is, the blood would fix it. But I ain’t got to repent about this.”

    Tell me you actually engaged in sexual sin with out telling me you engaged in sexual sin.

    1. Teresa, I would say that you’re wrong. Remember, everybody in that movement swore that Eddie Long did not participate in perverted Homosexual sex, but we saw that they were wrong, as four young men swore under oath of the horrific things Lone did to them before and after the worship services, and what they did to him at his request. T.D. Jakes has always struck me as an effeminate man that lives on the DL. So, while I will not swear to his guilt, I’ve lived long enough and have enough life experience in and out of the Church not to doubt it! We’ve seen this Movie before.

      1. Because if he is a predator, the person/persons at P Diddy’s party won’t be his only victims. This is the part that most people just don’t seem to understand. A sexual predator doesn’t pick just one or two people to victimize. They will have multiple victims stretching over a long period of time. That’s how a person who is bent works. Once one or two people are brave enough to speak out, others will eventually follow. Because there are more out there. He didn’t start doing this yesterday.

  3. Here is why I believe that T.D. Jakes is guilty as charged. His statement: “The worst that could happen, if everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely, from my heart. There’s enough power in the blood to cover all kinds of sin. I don’t care what it is, the blood would fix it. But I ain’t got to repent about this” IS NOT the words of an innocent man!

    I know of no one that is innocent of such a charge, given how serious it is for a Christin leader, would ever speak in that manner and tone. It is tantamount to O.J. Simpson’s book entitled: “If I did It, here’s how I would have done it!”

    No innocent person would speak like that, and nor would they ever write something as damning as that book, which I trust didn’t do well at the book stores! I know it is hard for people to believe things like what we have heard about Jakes, but folks please believe me that this kind of behavior happens all the time in mega Churches, especially Black mega Churches where Clergy accountability is very, very rare!

    1. Unfortunately you may be right. According to some this is the same speech Eddie Long delivered to defend himself and we know what happened after. I wanna believe this did not happen because that would be horrible for the church.

    2. It’s unfortunate because the media and people convict people even before the person speaks.
      We have all come short of the glory of God. Bishop T.D. is a man of the cloth,
      but he is still just a man, human. HE IS NOT PERFECT. Only God is. He can repent and God forgives. Unfortunately, if the stories are true, it will affect his ministry. He may have to step down. But sin is not only in Black Mega churches or Black churches. There is no Black or White church only God’s church. It doesn’t matter if the church is small, medium, or mega. Sin is sin and we and we are all accountable to God. God forgives when we repent but there are still consequences of our actions. But we as people shouldn’t condemn or judge.

      1. Felicia, I am very aware and Theologically astute enough to know that no human being is exempt from the capacity of sinning. That being said, and as a Black man who has lived a while on this earth, I have seen the difference in how various communities and Churches handle their Leaders sins. The Black Church (there is a distinction), particularly the mega Black Church will rarely do anything about the sins of their Leaders, especially if the Church is personality based like The Potter’s House is. There is no one there who will hold Jakes accountable! Perhaps a few people will leave, but I know that without a doubt, 99% of the people will remain….because of their illiteracy of the Scripture and God’s holy standards for Pastors. The Biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 means absolutely nothing to 99.9% of Black Churches, as our people are more concerned with charisma, style, delivery, and even how the Pastor looks! Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I must speak a hard truth that many will refuse to hear because they simply don’t want to believe that Jakes is possibly guilty of the allegations charged against him!

      2. Really? How about this: 1 Corinthians 5:9-12 9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister c but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. 12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”

        This would apply to someone such as T. D. Jakes, directly. And that is totally without examining the numerous false doctrines and heresies he repeatedly teaches. He is disqualifying from preaching or leadership. Period. No biblically-based argument otherwise. People ignore clear scripture when they attempt to keep a flawed and sinful celebrity in the pulpit.

    3. Add Rickie Rush the mega pastor in Dallas to this list as well. He has over 10 allegations of sexual and physical abuse but still preaching. The D.A NEVER met with any of us ( the victims) also TDJakes wrote The Forward to Rush book Come Out Swinging where he lied about his mother’s death. Read all 6 articles in The Dallas Morning News
      Accountability is lacking in the church for pastors and their spouses!!

  4. So Mr. Jakes, are you saying that if you had participated in homosexual
    activity, that it is a sin and needs to be repented of? I am sure that your fawning secular press might have a problem with that, surely Oprah will.

  5. Tragic, tragic, tragic. Little wonder so many view the church as no different than those politicians who are only out for themselves.

  6. So no NDAs were signed…? That is great…. as we all know … Men of God and prophets do not need NDAs…..

    It is interesting that the worst Christmas message I heard was when Trump just told a bunch of different people to rot in hell…….

    I was mistaken… it was when T.D. Jakes on Christmas Eve at church said he did not have sex at Diddy’s house … and if he did… it was already forgiven….

    Wow…the Evangelical Industrial Complex is really messed up…..

    1. Yes, indeed. No mystery now that the evangelical church and MAGA seem completely merged. Voting statistics in 2016 and 2020 said so, but many people would not admit it. T.D. Jakes is another person who said the quiet part out loud. “…if I did it is already forgiven.” Because, you can do anything, right?

    2. What worries me is that while the Bible says that a good name is more precious than rubies we are in this case seeing no robust defence of a good name, unless telling people to “log off” qualifies as such. The accusations may be unconfirmed as yet, but they are MEGA, and in a public ministry where a good reputation makes all the difference you would expect the good bishop to come out with all guns blazing in defense of his name. Even if the accusations are never proven the very fact that they were made, and the defense was uncharacteristically limp for someone known for making strong statements will always leave the question mark, did he or did he not?

  7. I am shocked and hurt by this controversy. But as a Prophet of God, I asked God was this true about Bishop T D Jakes and these controversial sexual issues, Bishop Jakes said that if he sinned all he has to do is repent. But God, told me that he needs to do more than repent. He said Bishop Jakes needs to first confess his sins, tell his church and global followers about his promiscuous homosexual/sexuality sins, and then turn from them, repent. He needs to tell the truth before all of the world or he could go to Hell for lying/hiding his sins from the world. Revelation 21:8, James 5:16

    1. “But as a Prophet of God, I asked God was this true about Bishop T D Jakes . . .”
      Who is the “Prophet of God” – you or Jakes?
      If you are the “Prophet,” how did this come about?

  8. Even if “everything was true, all I got to do is repent sincerely, from my heart”? Well, if you raped a boy in California, you would be charged with a felony; then you would (probably) be convicted; then you would have your DNA sample taken; then you would be booked; then you would register as a lifetime sex offender; then you would go to prison. There’s a lot of time to repent from the heart while sitting in state prison.

  9. Can we maybe just agree that none of us KNOW whether he actually did these things or not, but that it is harmful either way for the church? (The accusations AND his response). Cliché phrase no doubt, but it is often true that “where there is smoke, there is fire”. I hope we are wrong about this story, and at the same time, if true, that it is exposed and settled without further harming the faith community, and people’s faith IN the community. 🙏🏼

  10. This quote from a few years ago about Eddie Long applies to the church today: “When I grew up in a black Baptist church in Baltimore, my congregation was poor, but the pastor drove a Rolls Royce with a water fountain inside. I still remember how my aunt would talk with such pride about our pastor’s car.

    In the black community, the pastor was often the only person who didn’t depend on white folks’ goodwill for their livelihood. He made his money through the support of his parishioners. Most parishioners felt poor and powerless, so they wanted to live vicariously through their pastor. They wanted that pastor to live large, have a huge ego, occupy the biggest house. I still remember “Rev. Ike,” a flamboyant black pastor who used to rule the pages of Jet magazine. He thrilled many poor blacks with his ostentatious lifestyle and declarations like “My garage runneth over.”

    Yet a leader can exploit that type of need. Even when that leader is tarnished by one revelation after another, if he remains defiant in public and displays a little “I’m not perfect” humility, a congregation will stick with him to the bitter end. And nobody will be able to persuade them to leave that church.”

    1. Would you be so kind as to translate the first three words (?) of your comment? I googled them and got this in response: “It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search”

  11. Even though they weren’t necessarily in the same denomination, Ravi Z and TD Jakes always reminded me a lot of one another. With all the handlers surrounding this “prophet,” it might be a little more challenging for a media outlet to do a deep-dive Hebrews 4:12 on TD similar to the one Christianity Today released on Ravi Z, beginning on the first published date of 9/29/2020.

  12. Not to mention he attended a party hosted by a man who was accused of rape, sex trafficking and physical abuse on more than one occasion.

    Be that as it may it’s necessary that this matter be investigated (for both men) to prove whether it’s true or not.

  13. The Church folk love to ignore the OBVIOUS with this man. He is Biblically unqualified to Pastor anyone in Yeshua’s church. The way he carries himself?? His inability to rightly handle the Sacred Text should inform us.

  14. Proph-et – noun : one who utters divinely inspired revelations

    Major Prophets:
    Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

    Minor Prophets:
    Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,
    And Malachi.

    Thomas Dexter Jakes and Prophet Manesseh – uh no! Not on the list.

    1. There are no major and minor people. We are all the same in God’s eyes. We are to be ambassadors of Christ and share the love of God.

      1. Agreed. The titles “major” or “minor” simply refers to the length of the book in the Bible written by the “prophet”, not their significance as a person before God.

        My list was incomplete, but the Bible is complete – finished, so God is no longer “appointing” prophets.

        It takes unimaginable gall, to refer to yourself as a “prophet of God.”

        God would not have warned us to not be seduced by hypocrites, if they didn’t exist.

        Mark Twain said, “It is easier to fool a man, than to convince him that he has been fooled.

        What does it take to continue following proven conmen? Maybe pride? Like-mindedness? Devoid of the Holy Spirit?

  15. In my younger days, I sought out, megachurches to attend. But now, I think mega churches should be avoided as a general rule. I’m sure there are a few good ones out there somewhere but, more often than not this kind of thing is what you get. Celebrity pastors who might as well be movie stars on a movie screen as far as the average parishioner is concerned.

  16. Did Jakes attend this rap party? If so, that alone disqualifies him from the ministry and in all likelihood, he’s guilty. The evidence appears to be mounting. Resign and repent.

  17. Modalism is the least of Jake’s problems… imo. What about the church as ‘entertainment business’ model that he’s been flagrantly running for years now? Even if he’s innocent of the allegations of gross misbehavior, his mode of ministry is equally disgusting…

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