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Restoring the Church.

Former Orange CEO Accuses Founder Reggie Joiner of Clergy Sexual Abuse

By Julie Roys
Ivy Joiner
Former Orange CEO Kristen Ivy has accused Orange Founder Reggie Joiner of clergy sexual abuse in a letter obtained by The Roys Report. (Source: Video screengrab)

The former CEO of Orange, a leading Christian youth curriculum, has accused Orange founder Reggie Joiner of clergy sexual abuse in an email to two board members.

Former CEO Kristen Ivy writes she and Joiner did not have an “inappropriate relationship,” as initially reported in a statement by Orange announcing Joiner’s and Ivy’s resignations last month. Instead, in an email obtained by The Roys Report (TRR), Ivy labels Joiner’s actions “clergy sexual abuse.” And she adds, “I’m not the only one.”

Ivy sent the email to Orange Board Chairman Joel Manby and Board Member Jennifer Barnes on April 23—the opening day of the Orange Conference 2024. In her email to Manby and Barnes, Ivy admits that she initially labeled what had happened between her and Joiner as an “inappropriate relationship” and explains why.

“During the time of my original interview, I was prepared to protect Reggie at all cost because I was laboring under years of the belief that protecting Reggie was the only way to protect Orange,” Ivy writes. She also states that she “was still living within the mental frameworks I had been coerced to believe which led me to request an inappropriate level of responsibility for this situation.”

But she adds, “In the past week, I have had time (for the first time ever) to seek professional counsel, experts in abuse, and listen to the stories of other survivors. I now realize I am experiencing a high level activated trauma—not just from the past weeks but also compounded trauma from many years of emotional and psychological abuse.”

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Ghosted: An American Story” by Nancy French. To donate, click here.

ivy joiner
Orange Founder Reggie Joiner and Former Orange CEO Kristen Ivy speak at a past event. (Video screengrab)

Ivy adds that the “mischaracterization of what occurred . . . is likely to make it more difficult for other victims to safely share their story and receive the care and healing they deserve.

“I also realize that Orange can never truly be free of what has been lurking in the shadows if we continue to leave unnamed what has happened here. . . . The truth is that Reggie has repeatedly abused his power and used it to gain access to vulnerable, often very young women, slowly crossing boundaries, isolating them, and eventually coercing them into agreeing to the abuse. The very nature of these relationships is to confuse a victim into believing what is happening is consensual . . .”

TRR reached out to Joiner for comment about Ivy’s allegations, but he did not respond.

We also reached out to Ivy, but she declined to give any comment on the record.

Ivy notes in the email that when her relationship with Joiner was sexualized, Joiner was Orange CEO, and she was a “director.” Ivy adds that both her salary and the salary of her husband—Matt Ivey, who also worked for Orange—were at risk if she “spoke openly.”

Kristen Ivy also notes that she is 20 years younger than Joiner. And she writes, “Reggie frequently told me that speaking about this with a counselor, friend, family member, or anyone else would risk ‘the security of the company’, (sic) ‘the employment of my friends,’ and would ‘devastate’ people I cared most about.”

Ivy then labels what happened between her and Joiner “clergy sexual abuse”—something that is a crime in the District of Columbia and 13 states, but not in Georgia, where Ivy and Joiner live.

And she asks for the Orange Board to “publicly amend their statement, launch a credentialled investigation (independent, trauma-informed and forensic) and begin to make a safe path for others to come forward.”

Orange Doesn’t Mention Alleged Abuse at Conference

In her April 23 email to Manby and Barnes, Ivy notes “there is evidence I’m not the only one.” And, for the sake of other potential victims, she asks the board to correct the narrative about her involvement with Joiner at the conference.

Specifically, Ivy asks the board to say “something along the lines of ‘In the process of further inquiries since our original statement, an alarming set of factors has emerged that indicates a need for a broader and more thorough investigation. By the nature of Reggie’s position and influence, we feel responsible to recognize the potential for harmful power dynamics and that perhaps there are others who need a safe place to disclose.’”

Ivy ends her letter, “(B)ut I REQUEST that whatever statement you make tonight at the conference opening closes the door of misunderstanding and mischaracterization that ‘inappropriate relationship’ implies. . . . I do feel that this positioning will better allow anyone who has been impacted to be able to find words that will help them better understand their own story.”

orange conference
On April 23, 2024, thousands participated in Orange Conference 2024 at GAS South Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

TRR reached out to Manby and Barnes, asking for a recording of the statement Orange made at its conference. Barnes responded, “That recording is not publicly available.”

However, TRR obtained video of the conference opening through another source.

In his opening remarks at the conference, Manby did not use the term “inappropriate relationship,” but he did nothing to change Orange’s previous characterization of what happened between Joiner and Ivy.

“A week ago, we sent out a letter to all of our Orange partners with the difficult news that our Founder Reggie Joiner and our CEO Kristen Ivy are no longer on staff here at Orange,” Manby told conference-goers. “And I want to say something very clearly that everyone in this organization, and the board of directors, deplores any action that lacks integrity or breaks your trust.

“And we are committed to having channels of communication available to anyone affected. And we will continue to walk with those who have been hurt by this.”

Manby then pivoted to speaking about Orange’s mission and thanking conference-goers for their support. He then invited anyone in the audience who was an Orange contractor, blog writer, volunteer, curriculum subscriber, or leader practicing the “Orange strategy” to stand.

“This is Orange. We are Orange,” Manby stated as the audience applauded. “Orange has always been about more than one person.”

TRR reached out to Manby and Barnes about the request in Ivy’s email and the statement Manby made at the conference.

Barnes responded, “. . . Kristen Ivy’s email was not intended for public consumption. Our focus during our ongoing investigation is the support and protection of those who have come forward.”

“We honored (Ivy’s) request and did not say anything about the nature of the relationships at the conference,” Barnes wrote. She noted that Ivy had created the “verbiage, ‘inappropriate relationship,’” prior to the release of Orange’s first statement (on April 17). Barnes said that Ivy “was simply requesting that we refrain from using (“inappropriate relationship”) at the conference, which we honored.”

PR ‘game plan’

Manby’s comments at the Orange conference followed the script he instructed Orange employees to use at a staff meeting April 16.

TRR has obtained audio of that meeting in which Manby told the staff that Joiner had admitted to “past inappropriate relationships” and resigned. Manby also said Kristen had admitted to a “past inappropriate relationship with Reggie” and resigned.

Responding to a staff member’s question about communicating about the scandal to those outside Orange, Manby said that Orange had hired Jackson Spalding, “a world-class PR firm.”

“They’ve handled hundreds of crises like this,” Manby said. “And they have a whole game plan, which makes sure that part of it will be the messaging for that.”

Later in the meeting, Manby expounded on the plan.

“In the next 48 hours, we are trying to get it tight, where everybody has something—you all have messaging because you’re all going to be ambassadors,” he said.

“We’ll state what happened. And then we’ve got to pivot to the positive—that nothing has changed about Orange and its mission,” Manby added. “. . . So yes, we acknowledge the negative, but we’ve got to pivot to the positive.”

Manby added, “We’ll just go through everything. We’ll even practice—Q and A: when people ask you this, what should we say?”

A staff member named Beth expressed that it’s hard to be “cheery,” given what’s happened.

Manby responded, “I agree with that. But I will also say, from my experience, the reason we want to pull the Band-Aid quickly now is we have to recover. . . . So, I think we’ll be able to get into the messaging points. We admit the hard part, but we’ve got to pivot to a positive future.”

Third-party investigation?

At the same staff meeting, someone asked if Orange’s investigation into what happened is complete.

Manby replied, “We have investigated all the information. It took us about a week. . . . As of this time, it’s complete.”

However, later in the meeting, someone asked, “So is it more than just Reggie and Kristen?”

Manby reiterated that “Reggie admitted to inappropriate relationships, and it is past. So, we don’t know. As far as we’re concerned, that’s minimum. But . . . that’s all the information to go on.”

However, at a staff meeting May 14, of which TRR has obtained a recording, Orange Interim President Mike Clear announced that the board had voted on Monday (May 13) “to hire an independent, trauma-informed, forensic organization to carry out a further investigation.”

Clear said the board had interviewed three organizations “and one will likely be selected later this week.”

TRR spoke with several employees who said Orange had not yet announced a firm for the proposed investigation at the time of publishing.

TRR reached out to Manby and Barnes on Monday, asking them if Orange had hired a firm to investigate, and if so, what the name of the firm was.

Manby and Barnes did not respond to our request.

Joiner founded Orange in 2006, 11 years after co-founding North Pointe Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, with Andy Stanley. The Orange’s website states that it works with more than 10,000 ministry leaders in 40 countries to provide content and curriculum, encouraging influences from both church and family.

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. 



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19 Responses

  1. Julie, thank you for continuing to report on this and keep us updated. Orange is used by thousands of churches, and their influence is pervasive. This site is the only one I know of that professionally investigates ministries with this much fairness and thoroughness. Keep up the good work.

  2. Typical “Ministry” cover up. Limit the damage, say only positive things and keep the $ rolling in.

    1. It’s not just in church’s!! I had a friend who got taken in by a therapist who was seeing several women already
      He didn’t believe in God and definitely wasn’t with a church

  3. So, in April they did a ‘complete’ investigation which ‘took about a week’ (wow, so thorough)! And as a result of that investigation, presumably, they decided they needed to hire a world class PR firm to help them “Pivot” to the positive and went so far as to have their cast members, wait, I mean staff members, practice their ‘positive’ responses to ‘get past this’……and get to ‘messaging points’.

    And then in May they are hiring ‘an independent….trauma informed team’….but haven’t made a decision yet….

    This sounds like just so much double speak and above all, attempts at damage control.

    As usual, the potential victims are never even considered because, after all “Orange” is the important thing.

    Bah. So tired of this kind of organizational behavior in what should be a Christ-led group of believers who have no need of PR firms, only a place to repent and mourn over sin that was committed.

    1. Orange employs hundreds of people, good men and women who are wonderful. They love Jesus. They serve in their local churches. They aren’t looking for fame or platform. They believe(d) in a vision of relevant family ministry. Let’s not throw them all in with those who have sinned and made mistakes at the top. Some of them were victims themselves. Many are my friends, who are devastated by this entire situation.

  4. “The very nature of these relationships is to confuse a victim into believing what is happening is consensual”

    Can someone explain the difference between a “consensual” sin vs. a “believing it is consensual” sin?

  5. The whole tenor of Manby’s communications smell bad.
    But at this point, why am I surprised?

  6. Prior to Orange, this lady’s only work experience was as a fast-food cashier and schoolteacher. Then suddenly, she’s quickly elevated to Director, then President of Orange and then CEO of Orange? She had zero prior leadership experience. Who took advantage of who? She was a mature and intelligent adult, in her 30’s, with a family. She basically manipulated her way to the top for over 10 years and in the process was running the company into the ground. She benefited, both professionally and financially yet she’s the “victim”? C’mon. Wake up. IMO it is obvious, she’s spinning this to try and save face and prey upon today’s society which will quickly and solely blame the man. They BOTH were adults and are BOTH responsible here. The victims are the people who put their trust and hard work into this company under these “leaders” and now have their livelihoods threatened from the damage this has caused to Orange. Notwithstanding the downward trajectory she put the company into under her leadership which she was never qualified to have in the first place.

    1. Pat,

      You’ve eloquently highlighted the intricacies of this Orange sexual scandal, while also taking an unpopular stance on Kristen’s abuse allegation. Your skepticism mirrors my own, particularly considering Kristen’s transition from a cashier to CEO, lacking any prior church ministry experience. How could someone with such a background ascend so rapidly within Orange, manipulating her way to the top? It appears she sought power and position at any cost.

      The swift shift from admitting to an affair to alleging abuse seems calculated. Within a week of counseling, this revelation emerged, raising suspicions of a larger scheme. It’s disheartening; if she truly endured years of abuse, but why rush to media outlets instead of seeking justice through appropriate channels? Why not just be with your family and just heal?The sequence of events—caught cheating followed by abuse confession—casts doubt on the sincerity of her claims.

      Kristen Ivy had significant influence and authority at Orange. Despite Reggie’s compliance, she was known for very questionable decisions and mistreating her staff. While Reggie’s wealth will shield him from consequences, Kristen faces public humiliation and struggles to shape a favorable narrative.

      Her actions suggest a calculated pursuit of career advancement, forsaking family obligations. Now, with her affair exposed and Orange career over, she faces an uncertain future. Kristen’s desperation to salvage her shattered reputation underscores the profound loss she feels. Orange was her life. But not it’s just a phase for her and she is missing it!

      1. Kristen in no way is worried about her reputation except for the fact that some people might be hurt. I certainly can tell that neither you or Pat have ever been in a situation where someone who has power takes advantage of you. Reggie was the one who promoted Kristen and it was all a part of his manipulating her into what HE wanted. Neither of you know Kristen or Reggie personally and just because you have a few facts off the internet doesn’t mean you have all the answers. Reggie himself admitted that he “groomed” Kristen and SEVERAL OTHER GIRLS!! You are very misinformed

        1. @Tina, do you know Kristen or Reggie personally? Do you have first hand knowledge of this situation? Just asking.

  7. Hmm.. no doubt he abused his power and used every trick in the book to keep it a secret. But her claim of “abuse” seems like shifting blame for something she was part of too.

  8. I’ve been in a similar situation and the first thing the abused seem to do is protect everyone esp their abuser! I saw this when it first broke open.
    I’m so proud now of the girls for coming forward even tho Reggie programmed them for years to protect him. It’s the girls who need protection!!

  9. Almost every day we hear of another sexual crime within the so-called Church.
    I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before their eyes. Ps. 36:1

    The first Church lived in Christ where there is NO SIN.

    Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him sins. No one who sins has either seen him or known him. 1 Jn. 3:4-6

    They lived in the fear of God. Acts 10:34-35 The fear of God allows a sinner to repent & stop sinning! Ex. 20:20, Prov. 14:26-27, 16:6.
    Today’s ‘Jesus Freaking’ gospel NEVER ‘saves’ anyone. Even Franklin Graham confesses to being a sinner. He occasionally speaks of repenting, but like all preachers, he does not know what the word means. Repentance is a very emotional, one-time-event in any sinner’s life that can NEVER be repeated. Heb. 6:4-6 It’s when one gets to know God well enough to fear Him & recognizes true consequences of sin, & ceases the habit. Luke assures us that it is only those who repent who receive the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins. Acts. 2:38. There is NEVER forgiveness in the absence of true repentance. 2 Chron. 7:14, Mk. 1:4, Lk. 3:3, 24:46-47.

    I wrote a book after researching ‘American Christianity’ across the USA from 1992 to 2011, explaining why Satan has taken over the nation, & how God can bring total healing. Amazon has ‘A Nation Broken’ ready to ship to you today. PLEASE read this very positively reviewed book with a hungry heart & open mind.

  10. Please read REPENTANCE on Substack or on Facebook’s Life Abundant to see what that word means. Briefly, it’s a very emotional, once-in-a-life-time event. It can NEVER be repeated either, so we only get one chance at eternal life. ‘Christians’ of today live in a total fantasy world of make believe, mind games & charades. They have NEVER been enlightened, or tasted the heavenly gift, or shared in the Holy Spirit, or tasted the goodness of the word of God & the powers of the coming age. They just learn the stupid, meaningless, unbiblical church talking points. They are taught to fawn over Jesus, & believe all sorts of utter nonsense about how He ‘saved them.’
    Once I repented, I became a new creation, a born-again Christian, living in Christ where there’s NO SIN. 2 Cor. 5:17, 1 Jn. 3:4-6. It’s been an unbelievable journey since then, with ZERO guilt, shame, fear, conviction, or self-hatred that I lived with for far too many years.
    Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from sin. Prov. 14:26-27
    Moses said to the people, do not be afraid: God has come to test you so that the fear of God will be with you to stop you from sinning. Ex. 20:20
    It is impossible for those who have been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God & the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, bc to their loss, they are crucifying the Son of God all over again & subjecting Him to public disgrace. Heb. 6:4-6

    1. Colin, I’m not disagreeing with you because this is not taken seriously enough by organisational religion organisers. People who can “influence” the nations’ elites can surely seek God for true meanings from Scriptures? Or were they themselves groomed to think materially by their forebears in job title?

      Pat, are you seeing this religion organisation as just another organisation where the only standard is climb over before you are climbed over (and that frowned on if it’s coming from the ranks who ought to be “grateful”), a predestinational snakes-and-ladders? Casey, Kristen may be simply (belatedly) sharing blame more proportionately.

      Why were the conference speakers apparently not open, on the subject of any wedge driving between a younger employee such as Kristen and her friends / relatives / any chosen personal counsellors? Are they falling back on unspoken assumptions such as I’ve seen in poorly thought-out movements?

      Places like this reported Orange will always be “about more than one person” in the sense intended by them, because these codependent proprietorship groups have liked to have support for their efforts from those many brought up on bad pragmatism, whose eyes, like Kristen, and Tina and Jessica’s friends, will now be opened to thirst for real Holy Spirit gifts.

      I pray that there then won’t be seen need for “pivoting” (or whatever the jargon is). I’ve lived through this sort of ambiance several times (as acolyte, not employee), and the only formula for sanity is to emotionally detach from anybody (however senior) who isn’t wholeheartedly with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. A moral perhaps: never mix religious organisational religion, with livelihood (just because the bosses do)?

  11. Ivy got quite the raise in 2022. Orange= Rethink Group a 501c3 (non-profit). Per 2022 990 form; Kristen Ivy (President) earned $292,176 +$0 +$72,644= $364,820. Reggie Joiner (Founder & Ceo) $112,292 +$0 +$158,393= $270,685. Per 2021 990 form; Kristen Ivy (President) $131,204 +$0+ $34,796= $166,000. Reggie Joiner (Founder & Ceo) $112,290 +$0 +$163,194= $275,484. I’m curious to know what the “other” category actually represents.

  12. Does this excuse fly with the Lord? A married woman has a long running adulterous affair with a married man and her justification for the sin is “clergy abuse”. The commandment to “do not commit adultery” doesnt have suffixed “except if”. Seems like have the cake and it tooism. I am a strong, competent, woman CEO hanging with the big boys, except when I have an adulterous affair with an associate then I am a victim.

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