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Pastor Tony Evans Married in Private Ceremony Surrounded By Friends And Family

By Colleen Houde
tony evans carla
Pastor Tony Evans pictured with his wife, Carla Evans (née Crummie), at their private wedding ceremony. (Photo: Facebook)

Well-known author and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Tony Evans, is officially married. 

Back in September, leading up to the fourth anniversary of his wife’s death, 74-year-old Pastor Evans brought his family to the stage, honouring his late wife before announcing that he was engaged to Carla Crummie.

Over the weekend, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship took to social media to announce the pair are now married.

“As we enter the celebratory Christmas season, we also celebrate the marriage announcement of our senior Pastor and his bride, Mrs. Carla Evans,” said the church on Facebook. ” The couple is excited to continue serving the Lord together, supported by faith, love, and the prayers of our church family.”

The church says the pair were married in a private ceremony surrounded by family and close friends.

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“Marriage is a blessing from God, and it brings us great joy to see our pastor blessed in this beautiful way.”

Back in September, Evans thanked the congregation for grieving alongside him, following the passing of his first wife, Lois Evans. He spoke about the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with grief, and the fact that Ms. Carla Crummie faced similar feelings in the wake of her husband’s death. 

“As I work through the ups and downs of singlehood, God in His sovereignty, has brought someone into my life. This someone has travelled this similar road. In fact, she and her husband were on their way to Lois’s funeral when her husband died,” said Evans to his congregation.

This article was originally published at CHVN.

Journalist Colleen Houde is a news writer and on-air host at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



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23 Responses

  1. Good for them!

    Evans always seemed like a good guy. Good preacher with am impressive moustache.

    Hope they experience great blessings.

  2. Pastor Evans has been used by the Lord in a tremendous way throughout the years of his preaching ministry. Losing a spouse is an unimaginable grief and I am happy and blessed to see that the Lord has given both he and his new wife the blessing of marriage again. May the Lord richly bless these dear people.

  3. Congratulations! I thank God for this blessing of love and marriage for Dr. & Mrs. Evans and I thank them for their continued service to the Kingdom of God. I pray that they are blessed each moment of every day in every way they need blessing in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    1. I love Dr Tony Evans and his former wife and all those four great Spiritual children that the taught and lead to great ministry! I was one of the committee members who asisited Dr Evans ministry to Wisconsin. I have followed and supported him for years and believed whole heartedly in his ministry and teaching. I have supported him financially and advertisements though but his materials and passing it out to my family and my Christian brothers and sisters. Î allowed him to follow me wherever I traveled through llistening to his tapes as a road companion! I just want to say thank you Dr Evan for being my pastor and mentor! I thank Our Heavenly Father for the blessing he has brought to you! Enjoy! May Bell Olive!

  4. Congratulations! You can see the happiness in your faces! God bless you both as you continue to serve him!

  5. It warms my heart to see my pastor beaming with joy again. May God bless and keep you Pastor.and Sister Carla Evans

  6. Pastor Evans: My sisters and I watch your sermons everyday. When i have gotten to low points in my life I went to your sermons and gathered strength. God word is powerful and is everything we need. We are so happy for you and your new wife. You lived the life you preached and your beautiful wife is now in Heaven and God has blessed you with another wife who is also beautiful. You deserve the best because God is using you mighty because it’s drawing people to the Kingdom. Be blessed Mr. and Mrs. Evans. To God be the glory. ❤️

  7. Continue to serve The God Of Israel Jesus The Christ Congratulations on the new couple who have already had excellent marriages that helped make them the people they are today

  8. In my eyes it is more honorable for a man or woman who loses a spouse to never marry again. It is not a sin to remarry but how glorifying it is to the one who dies that the people may say that his or her loved for them trespassed the flesh into a more pure and sacrificial love—a love that can persists when nothing is given in return not even the very presence of their loved one. After all no greater love it is than to die to ourselves—our needs and desire for remarriage—to the honor and glory of the Kate spouse’s memory.

    1. He fulfilled his covenant promise “ til death do us part.” There is no marriage in heaven so she is no longer his wife. He is single and free to marry. It does not dishonor his previous wife nor is she any less loved because he has loved & married again.

  9. Dr Evans is a preacher I listen to often enough. He is, unlike many others on tv, stuffy and looking like movie stars, my ideal Bible promulgator, his message is at once erudite and yet easy to follow.
    I would like to study religion in depth and in a relevant fashion. I wish Evans lots of luck and prosperity.

  10. One of the things that I admire the most about Dr.Tony Evan’s is his humility and his willingness to act and be held accountable for his actions . I absolutely love this about him and this is how I roll, I immediately got in fellowship with him and prayed for him. One thing I known about God he already knows when you are going to do something and he knows that knowing is a surprise ,and our God determined our steps and his forgiveness and restoration is readily available for all of his children.Thanks you Jesus for allowing Dr. Evan’s to be use in this situation to eventually help someone else , because we know you use everything for your purpose and plans and nothing escape you . Hallelujah and Amen

  11. I have so much respect for Dr. Evans, we all fall from time to time, leaders are no exception they’re not immune to temptation. I honor his humility to step forward and say, “I was wrong I shouldn’t be leading during this season” and to practice what he preaches. Love you Dr. Evans, CL Gateway Jackson Hole

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