Two well-known Christian worship leaders, Kevin Prosch and Misty Edwards, privately confessed to a years-long affair that started before Prosch and his second wife divorced, sources told The Roys Report (TRR).
According to Brent Steeno, Edwards told him about an affair with Prosch in December 2021. Steeno is a former staff member at the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) and Bickle’s personal ministry, Friends of the Bridegroom (FOTB). Steeno said Edwards told him the affair was ongoing and had begun seven years earlier, around 2014.
Prosch and his second wife, Shelly Bickle, divorced in August 2016, records show. Shelly Bickle is the sister of International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) Founder Mike Bickle who’s been embroiled in a sex abuse scandal since late last October.
Steeno said Edwards also confessed another secret involving a man she refused to name. TRR is not reporting the details of this other alleged secret to protect a possible abuse victim.
Steeno said he reported the affair and the other secret to IHOPKC in January 2022. But leaders there did little to hold Edwards accountable or investigate the other secret, and instead retaliated against Steeno, he alleged.
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During the alleged affair with Prosch, Edwards, who’s released seven albums and has 249K followers on Facebook, was serving on IHOPKC’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Edwards stepped off the ELT sometime last fall but remained on IHOPKC staff.
Edwards also was one of a handful of people involved in leadership at FOTB, according to Stephen Magnuson, a lawyer formerly involved in managing FOTB.
Prosch was once a prominent worship leader within the Vineyard movement. But in 1999, he confessed to a string of adulterous relationships. Despite this confession, he led worship at an IHOPKC conference soon after his confession—in either 1999 or 2000, former IHOPKC leaders told TRR.
Prosch was formally restored to ministry in 2002 by More Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he served as senior associate pastor until 2013. In 2014, Edwards recorded a song written by Prosch, called “The Gift,” on an album produced by IHOPKC’s Forerunner label.

Prosch currently owns a music label called Third Ear Music, and as recently as last fall, led worship and preached at a church in Texas called Rock City Corpus.
According to Steeno, Edwards told him the relationship with Prosch had become coercive in recent years because Prosch had a recording of Edwards divulging her other secret, which Prosch was holding over her head. Steeno added that Edwards was “deathly scared” of the other secret becoming public.
When TRR contacted Edwards, she denied an affair with Prosch. She also claimed Steeno’s story about the other secret was untrue.
However, Steeno has produced texts with Edwards that corroborate several elements of his account.
Plus, Steeno’s ex-wife, Kjirsten Berglund, shared a screenshot of a conversation she had with Edwards last November. In this conversation, Edwards admits to a relationship with Prosch.
“Kevin and I had a relationship, that part is true (sic) but we were considering getting married,” Edwards wrote.
In addition, best-selling author and Bible teacher Joel Richardson told TRR that Prosch confirmed the affair with Edwards in a three-way call last October between Richardson, Prosch, and Jose Diaz. Diaz is a pastor and former board member of FOTB.
Richardson said Prosch also confirmed the other secret Edwards had reportedly divulged to Steeno.
TRR reached out to Prosch for comment. He responded in an email, “I did not tell anyone (the other secret) neither did I tell anyone that Misty and I had an affair I won’t (sic) nothing to do with your bullshit narrative,” Prosch wrote.

TRR replied, specifically asking Prosch if he had an affair with Edwards and whether he had a recording of her divulging her other secret, but Prosch did not respond to our questions.
However, both Diaz and Richardson’s wife, Amy Abele, who said she overheard the call with Prosch on speakerphone, confirmed Richardson’s account.
Diaz resigned from his position at FOTB shortly after that call.
TRR also has obtained a police report and video of a traffic stop in 2018, in which Prosch and Edwards were charged with driving under the influence and public intoxication, respectively. Prosch was also charged with failing to stop at a stop sign and speeding.
The video shows a shirtless Prosch doing poorly on several sobriety tests.
It also shows Edwards, who was alone in the car with Prosch, attempting one sobriety test. However, Edwards almost fell into an officer and was too inebriated to continue with field tests, according to the report.
When the officer initially asks Edwards in the video if she’s been drinking, she responds, “I’ve been drinking a little, yes.” However, later she admits she drank “a lot of wine and a couple vodkas.”
The officer also asks if there was anyone with Edwards and Prosch at the camp where they were previously. Edwards responds, “No, just me and the dog.”
According to a court document obtained by TRR, Edwards received a “deferred” sentence, meaning she pleaded guilty and was placed on probation. Her file is no longer publicly available, indicating her case was dismissed after successful completion of probation.
Prosch also received a deferred sentence, court records show. In addition, he completed a DWI education program and paid more than $2,000 in fines and fees.

Steeno said he was very concerned about Edwards’ well-being after hearing her confession. So, in January 2022, Steeno said he told two members of IHOPKC’s ELT—former IHOPKC Executive Director Stuart Greaves and Senior VP Lenny LaGuardia—about what Edwards had told him. Despite this, Edwards continued serving on the ELT for another 19 months.
Then, in October, when news broke about Bickle’s alleged clergy sexual abuse, Edwards and Mike Bickle began disparaging Steeno to others within the IHOPKC community, Steeno said. He added that IHOPKC also evicted him from his apartment at IHOPKC.
Another former IHOPKC staff member, Joel Sorge, told TRR that Steeno also told him about Edwards’ confession in May 2023. Sorge said that soon afterward, he reported his concerns about Edwards to Greaves.
Sorge said Greaves told him that he had more important things to do than to address the issue with Edwards. Greaves added that if Sorge had a problem with Edwards, Sorge should talk to Edwards directly, Sorge added.
Sorge said he felt Greaves’ request was inappropriate, so he didn’t talk to Edwards.
TRR reached out to IHOPKC and IHOPKC’s lawyer, Audrey Manito, for comment about Greaves and LaGuardia’s involvement, but no one responded to our inquiry.
We also contacted Mike Bickle for comment, but he did not respond.
Edwards’ confession to Steeno
According to Steeno, Edwards initially opened up to him in December 2021, when Steeno expressed regret about the prior decade he had spent backslidden in California, dealing drugs and living immorally. At the time of the conversation, Steeno said he had recently returned to Kansas City and was trying to get his life together.
Edwards responded that she had a past, as well, Steeno said, and then divulged that she had an affair, which had started seven years earlier, when the man involved was married.
According to a timeline Steeno wrote for attorney Boz Tchividjian, who’s representing alleged victims of Mike Bickle, Edwards said the man was a famous worship leader who was much older than her. But she wouldn’t reveal his identity, Steeno said.
Yet, after asking some questions, Steeno guessed the man was Kevin Prosch. Edwards confirmed that, Steeno wrote.
Edwards also revealed a secret to Steeno involving another man, but wouldn’t name the man, Steeno told TRR.
Edwards then told Steeno that Prosch had made a recording of a phone call in which Edwards confessed the other secret to Prosch, and revealed the other man’s identity. Edwards said Prosch was “blackmailing” her with this recording and this was why she would not preach or lead worship at IHOPKC, Steeno said.
“It was obvious to me that this secret and blackmailing was eating away at Misty and preventing her from doing absolutely anything that she loved doing,” Steeno wrote in his timeline. So, Steeno implored Edwards to tell Mike Bickle and Stuart Greaves about the affair and the alleged blackmail, but she refused, Steeno wrote.

Steeno added that Edwards was so desperate to delete the recordings off Prosch’s devices that she moved in with Prosch for two years.
During this time, Edwards told everyone she had moved to Israel, Steeno said, but this “was just a cover story for what she was really doing. Yes, she visited Israel and spent time there (took pics etc) . . . (but) she was so desperate to delete the recording that she moved in with Kevin and did whatever he wanted to gain his trust.”
Steeno told TRR that Edwards also said that she and Prosch would do drugs and drink together frequently and mentioned being charged with public intoxication around this time.
Based on this information, TRR searched for a police report and bodycam video from the Tahlequah Police Department in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Tahlequah is about 60 miles from Bixby, where Prosch was living at the time of the alleged incident.
After receiving the 2018 report, we then reached out to Edwards, who claimed the intoxication incident happened before she moved to Israel.
When asked if there was anyone who could corroborate her story of being in Israel for two years, Edwards said yes. However, when we asked for names and contact information for those people, Edwards declined to provide those.

According to Steeno, Edwards said that during her time with Prosch, she eventually was able to gain access to Prosch’s computer, find a recording of their conversation, and delete it. Feeling relieved, she returned to Kansas City, Steeno said.
But after being back only a short while, Edwards said she began receiving clippings of the recording from Prosch, Steeno said. So, she returned to Prosch until she was able to get into Prosch’s other devices and delete all the recordings, Steeno said.
Edwards then went back to Kansas City, but reportedly still feared Prosch had a copy of the recording somewhere.
Steeno reports Edwards’ confession to IHOPKC
Steeno said he repeatedly urged Edwards to confess her affair and the other secret to IHOPKC leaders, but she refused. So, in January 2022, Steeno said he called former IHOPKC ELT member, Brian Kim, and former IHOP University instructor, Corey Russell, and told them what Edwards had confessed.

TRR reached out to Kim and Russell, who both confirmed they talked to Steeno in January 2022.
Both men said Steeno seemed genuinely shaken by what Edwards had confessed. Russell said he was shocked by what he heard but believed Steeno’s account. Kim said he took Steeno’s story seriously and didn’t see any reason Steeno would lie.
Kim and Russell said they urged Steeno to report what Edwards had told him to Stuart Greaves.
A few days later, Steeno said he did just that. Greaves was “stirred” by what he heard, Steeno said. But, after talking to Mike Bickle about the situation, Greaves reportedly told Steeno that they would deal with the matter when Bickle, who was in Florida at the time, was back in town.
That never happened, Steeno said. Instead, about a month later, Greaves asked Steeno to tell Edwards that Steeno had told Greaves about her confession, Steeno said.

When Steeno did this, Edwards “freaked out at me for telling Stuart,” Steeno said.
After this, Greaves met with Edwards, Steeno said. Greaves told Steeno that Edwards admitted to the affair with Prosch, but not the other secret, Steeno told TRR. Greaves added that Edwards also agreed to get some counseling, Steeno said.
Greaves then directed Steeno to tell Lenny LaGuardia about what Edwards had confessed, which Steeno said he did. Steeno said he and LaGuardia talked about the situation off and on over the next two years, but IHOPKC didn’t take any further action.
TRR reached out to Greaves and LaGuardia, specifically asking about these events, but neither of them responded.
Texts support Steeno’s account
To corroborate his story, Steeno sent TRR several screenshots of conversations he had with Edwards. According to Steeno, Edwards referred to Prosch in the texts as the “second one”; the “first” referred to the man involved with the other secret.
In one of the screenshots, Edwards texts, “The guy I was with was a very well known guy. He found his identity in sin.”
Steeno replies, “Which guy? Second one?”
Edwards replies, “. . . Yes the second one.”
In another text, Edwards seemingly texts about the recording on Prosch’s devices, stating, “I want to get all of his devises (sic) and smash them.”
TRR read that tweet to Edwards and asked her what she was referring to. Edwards responded, “No comment.”
Later, Edwards texted Steeno to “forget everything I say. For real. I need to stop talking. I’ll go to a counselor but I get convicted everytime (sic) I say something. I am praying you forget everything.”
Steeno responds, “I will forget lol . . .”
Edwards responds, “Ill (sic) find a counselor, but please forget it all-”
Then Steeno texts that he “went to Stuart after having hours of convos w you about a real situation thsy (sic) was and continues to mess w your life.”
Edwards replies, “You betrayed me . . . I went to you. And you still shut me out and didn’t listen.”
Steeno replies, “Yeah and I went to Stuart out of concern for your safety. And you turn that on me.”
“You should’ve. (sic) Come to me like I am coming to you,” Edwards writes.
Steeno replies, “. . . I came to you But (sic) you refused to get help and I went to Stuart.”
In another other text, Edwards calls Steeno a “traitor” and “selfish,” adding, “You can keep these messages to prove you are right But (sic) you betrayed me.”
Alleged retaliation
At the time Edwards allegedly confessed to Steeno, she was Steeno’s supervisor at FOTB. However, after the confession, Edwards “became obsessed with where I was and what I was doing,” Steeno wrote in his timeline. “She would watch to see where my car was, and if my car wasn’t at my apartment, she would ask me where I was.”
In January 2023, Mike Bickle asked Stephen Magnuson if he would take over Edwards’ job overseeing Steeno, Magnuson told TRR. At the time, Bickle told Magnuson that Edwards was a terrible manager, Magnuson added. But now that he knows Steeno’s story, Magnuson told TRR he believes Steeno’s knowledge of Edwards’ secrets is what caused trouble in their working relationship.
In July 2023, Steeno resigned from FOTB. He told TRR that he planned on keeping what he knew about Edwards private. But without asking, Steeno said Bickle offered to pay him for the next three months, and Edwards continued to offer him small jobs for pay.
Then, in October, as news about Bickle’s alleged sexual abuse was about to become public, Steeno said Edwards began texting him and offering him more money to come back to work at FOTB. Steeno refused.

Steeno then told two key people what Edwards had confessed to him—Dwayne Roberts, a former IHOPKC leader and advocate for Bickle’s alleged victims, and Joel Richardson.
Richardson told TRR he confronted IHOPKC leaders on Oct. 28 with the information Steeno had shared with him.
Around this time, Steeno said Bickle, Edwards, and other IHOPKC leaders began to retaliate and discredit him to other people in the IHOPKC community.
Steeno’s ex-wife, Kjirsten Berglund, shared a screenshot with TRR from the conversation she had with Edwards on Instagram in early November. In the screenshot, Edwards claims Steeno stole $10,000 from Mike Bickle.
However, according to Magnuson, the $10,000 was an overpayment from Bickle’s social media revenue that went to Steeno’s bank account by mistake last May. The issue was resolved quickly to everyone’s satisfaction, Magnuson said, so he was stunned that months later, Edwards accused Steeno of stealing.
When TRR asked Edwards about the issue, she responded, “No comment.”
In November, IHOPKC evicted Steeno from his apartment on campus, allegedly for illegally subletting his apartment to Kyle Scott, Mike Bickle’s nephew. However, Steeno told TRR that he let Scott stay with him because IHOPKC ELT member Lenny LaGuardia asked Steeno to take in Scott because Scott was “homeless.”
TRR specifically asked IHOPKC about the eviction and Steeno’s claim, but no one responded.
On Dec. 1, Bickle sent Magnuson an email, including text from an Instagram post by someone named Mike Brown, rehashing sins Steeno had confessed when he returned to Kansas City in 2022. (In texts provided by Joel Richardson, Brown claims he’s close with some of Mike Bickle’s family members, including Richy Bickle, Mike’s Bickle’s nephew.)
In the post, Brown claims that the accusations against Bickle originated from Steeno—“an individual with a history of manipulation and shady behavior.” Brown then lists some of Steeno’s sins, including “selling drugs” in California and “having affairs during business trips.”
Magnuson said he was surprised to receive the email from Bickle, given that Steeno had resigned months earlier, and the information was common knowledge at IHOPKC. Later when he learned about Edwards’ confession, the effort to discredit Steeno made sense, Magnuson said.
Prosch questioned
After hearing Steeno’s account in October, Richardson said he and FOTB President Jose Diaz called Prosch to confirm what they had heard.
Richardson told TRR he was less concerned with Edwards’ alleged affair with Prosch than he was with Edwards’ other secret. Richardson said Prosch confirmed Steeno’s account of both situations.

“He said, ‘It’s all true. You know, it’s absolutely all true,’” Richardson recalled.
Richardson said he also asked Prosch to release the recording of Edwards confessing the other secret, if Prosch still had it. Richardson said Prosch said there’s no need for him “to frost a cake that’s already been baked,” which was Prosch’s way of saying he wasn’t going to help.
Diaz confirmed that what Richardson told TRR about the phone conversation was accurate.
Richardson’s wife, Amy Abele, said she overheard the entire conversation with Prosch on speakerphone.
When asked what transpired, Abele said her husband told Prosch that he knew about Edwards’ affair with Prosch and the other secret. Abele said Prosch told Joel, “It’s all true. Everything you’re saying is true.”
Edwards resigns from IHOPKC
Edwards told TRR that she resigned from her staff position at IHOPKC last week. She said she tentatively plans on going to Israel and serving in prayer rooms there.
Edwards also said she no longer holds any official position with FOTB.
She recently took down her website,, though an archived version is still available.
As for her current relationship with Prosch, Edwards says “he is a friend.”
Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals.
On Mar. 13, The Roys Report published a podcast that examines this story and includes insights from Dr. David Pooler, an expert on adult clergy sexual abuse. Click below to listen.
91 Responses
Really, is there any comment needed on this complete flippin’ disaster of Noachin proportions… OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
When do people see behind the curtain – this whole seen is a total fiction…and the players are just flesh using Jesus as a prop.
Exactly…OMG. What a disaster.
I agree! I cannot fathom that every single person in leadership, from the inception on, didn’t realize the sickness and evil they were operating within!! But then, popularity, power, and greed are powerful blinders.
Thank you Julie for all you do. As painful as these revelations are, they need to come out. I don’t know you, but I know people who do and they are all so thankful for you.
Where is the accountability? After affairs and coercion and secrets and stealing, serve Jesus cleaning toilets already, not on stage and not in positions of authority.
Well, that was long and brutal.
I’m reminded of what a friend of mine says: “You must remember the possibility that God is saving you from a successful ministry.”
Obedience is better than religious exercises.
I am sorry – but have to say – it seems doubtful that cool non-stop music jams with semi-scripted prayers are not really genuine prayer meetings; even if it is 24/7.
Repentance is a part of true prayer; which should be more than a song or spoken word piece.
God save us from ourselves!
The hidden things being revealed. It’s so painful but it is God bringing out the rot and decay that undermines the truth.
God, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
My exact reaction …I have no words for this.
This publishing broke my heart in half. As someone who has stood with all the “Jane doe”s etc. in my heart and been loud about my views regarding the toxicity happening at IHOPKC ….. In many ways this article feels wrong, mainly because I view misty as a victim in all of this. It breaks my heart that she was never helped. What’s the point of writing this, how does this help her as a victim?
What does this article expose? Misty’s private life/should be her story to tell (not Brent’s story) and that leaves us with Kevins issues, IHOPKC negligence, and more disgusting leaders not doing their job … nothing new. Just why?
We should do better. We can do better. This should have been handled differently.
As a journalist, I have a responsibility to publish stories that serve the public interest. Both Misty and Kevin are public figures, with people worldwide buying and listening to their music. Kevin led worship and taught at a large church as recently as last fall. And Misty served on IHOPKC’s ELT at the time of the alleged affair. And, she says she now plans to move to Israel to serve in the houses of prayer there.
The private lives of private individuals deserve to remain private. However, when people become leaders in a church or ministry, their private lives become relevant because Scripture is very clear about the qualifications for leading in the church. Every time I report on the moral fall of a Christian leader, people reprove me for doing so. But there are Scriptures (1 Tim 5:20, for ex) that tell us to publicly call out the sins of leaders.
As for Misty being a victim… That may be the case. And I gave Misty every opportunity to tell me that story. However, she emphatically denied being a victim–repeatedly. To honor her voice, I had to report the story according to her testimony.
As for what the article exposes… There’s a lot here. Sources say they reported both Misty’s alleged affair and her other secret to IHOPKC leadership, but little to nothing was done. That’s important, don’t you think? Also, there is Brent Steeno, who claims he’s a victim of retaliation. Does his story not deserve to be told? And the story exposes some major unanswered questions. I truly hope a true, independent investigation gets to the bottom of those.
I definitely agree with Julie, as someone who idolized Misty for years in my early 20s, right after coming to faith. She was not only a famous worship leader, but preached from the stage often. I took her way of “doing faith” as gospel, and the extremism of it hurt me as an already unbalanced young person (regular 40-day fasts promoted, hours of prayer a day, obsession with eternity and judgment. The pressure was intense). I’m grateful to know of the truth behind the “radical” Christian message – it didn’t work for her, either.
Physician, heal yourself.
I also want to say that I only wish Misty healing but I do think that the truth needs to be exposed. She is not only a victim but as a leader has influenced thousands upon thousands of people.
I resonate with this! As a young convert I was an intern at an unhealthy, cult-like Christian environment that also idolized IHOP KC and Misty Edwards– her early albums are the soundtracks of my coming to faith years. I respected her and also felt like the faith and commitment to the Lord that she demonstrated was unattainable. I attended Onething and even led a student prayer movement at my university.. and all the while felt like less of a Christian for not living up to what I witnessed at IHOP and in ME’s life. She’s a human being at the close center of an extremely unhealthy and cult-like Christian system that she was born and raised in.
Thank you for your hard work, patience and perseverance. I wholeheartedly agree with the publishing of this report. Why would we want our children listening to “leaders” who are not truly following Christ. And the coverup and treatment of Brent Steeno appears to have been entirely overlooked as evidenced by some of these responses.
Julie, it’s actually a shame that you have to explain yourself to anyone. I have yet to read any report posted, whether negative or positive, that isn’t founded on the excellency of truthful reporting.
Sadly, it is stomach turning. It is disgusting, disturbing, and evil. One day there will be a documentary that rivals anything that has been printed about IBOPKC. It’s just a matter of time. When that happens this movement all over the planet will have no Biblical or God given viability. I pray that happens sooner than later. I pray all those wounded will turn to the Living Word and not away from christianity all together.
You should’ve never published this! you’re so wrong in this!!!
She was right in publishing. This nonsense about giving leaders a pass because of “gifting” has to be replaced with the fruit of the spirit. The left hand of GOD – which is gifting, from natural talents to H. Spirit gifts – has taken precedence over the RIGHT Hand of God which is character; or the fruit. Many will bounce right out of paradise because they will be telling GOD all about their GIFTINGS – see Matthew 7. King David – was exposed – and he repented; but that did not keep his son Absalom from going onto the rooftops and exposing publicly what David did privately. Again, if we do not heed the warnings to be holy – and truly repent – SIN will be exposed publicly; no longer can leaders look at the Christian flock as their personal “bank” to satiate their unsanctified “soul life” – ungodly sexual appetites; financial appetites; emotional appetites; and social appetites. It’s TABERNACLES now and no MIXTURE is allowed. Time for the return of the fear of the Lord and the days of Peter confronting the Ananias and Saphira scenario. Too many false converts in leadership – who have never been through the jagged teeth of the moral law of God – and do not live a life of the cross. God has TWO natures – both LION – as judge – and LAMB – as grace and mercy. If you do not see both – you will be in deception. Keep REPORTING JULIE!!
This article is important because it casts doubt on Ms. Edward’s credibility as a character witness for Mr. Bickle. . . .
Misty is a LEADER in the body of Christ. I don’t read this as Julie Roys exposing her, or Kevin; I read this as God exposing them. HE is the one cleaning up church leadership… not Julie. May all of this exposure fill us with the fear of the Lord and prompt us to pray for our leaders.
Wow wow wow I CAME TO LEADERSHIP, I TOLD THEM MY CONCERNS N MY EVIDENCES of SIN IN THE HOUSE & my concern for Misty as well, clear back in Dec 2015 and again 2017/2018 N I EXPERIENCED A VERY SIMILAR SMEAR CAMPAIGN THAT BRENT STEENO WENT THRU!! IM PRAYING PRAYING HARD TEARS FLOWING…. MISTY IS A VICTIM WHETHER SHES COMING TO GRIPS WITH THAT TRUTH OR NOT!! Definitely praying for all hidden to continue to come to the Light! In Yeshua’s Name.
It is shocking how these people can commit all these sins that the bible warns us very sternly about and still live as if its nothing, going about singing etc and making tons of money. So much money that they dont really have real jobs. Enough money to say oh things here in the USA are not so good for me anymore I will just move to Israel and go and to there what I did back here. It all seems like these ministries are just started to make a lot of money!
I know, right? She needs true repentance, a lot of deep counseling, and time away from the spotlight, not another gig across the globe. But, she was taught by the master of cheap grace. Deny, lay low awhile, and pop back up when things die down. Kevin Prosch appears to be yet another shining example of failed “restoration” back into ministry. When will people learn that the NT disqualification of leaders is there for a reason.
I’m emotionally exhausted after reading. The stuff of soap opera.
It is the LORD, lifting up skirts and exposing shame and nakedness. Let the LORD continue to expose, purge, detoxify, cleanse.
Nothing hidden that will not be eventually disclosed; nothing concealed (secretive) that will not come to light. Lukas 8:17.
And I read she is soon heading to Israel to worship or continue prayer room there?? I really wish broken people would just step out of the lime light of ministry; and gather themselves first. Like the maxim: “Physician heal thyself first”.
But you know, I agree, the one who has the stamina to wade thru this rubbish and to diligently report, is rather commendable. Me, I can’t. I. just. can. not.
That is a disaster. Let’s look at the timline:
IHOP holds a fast for Israel while burning strange fire on a defiled altar and unreconciled to God or to people they sinned against and the Lord responds to this prayers with the events of October 7. Now misty is going to isreal. . .
Well IHOP got one of it’s prophesies correct– the are rasing up the generation that will usher in the Lord’s return. But unfortunately for them it’s to deal with those who have mistreated and abused His people and taken His name in vain.
To be honest – I don’t see it as God. It is indeed more of a soap opera. People taking screenshots of supposedly private conversations is human behavior – not God. this whole thing is sad and pitiful really. I’m not even blaming the reporter… It is the backstabbing among all the so called “leaders”. That is soap opera stuff. God allows for these things to happen… But the flesh and the devil seem to be the one causing all of this calamity.
It’s infuriating that Misty preached about her alleged celibacy. Young adults flocked to her. This is sickening. No concern for the influence she had over young ones and the damage she has caused. She called Brent Steeno selfish – back at her.
That is probably the most egregious…Misty’s pretended chastity unto the Lord (which I doubt He ever required it of her). How many young people felt “less than’ trying to live up to this Misty standard? The IHOPKC foundation seems to have been built by men with sexual moral failings from what I have read. Heartbreaking…
Yes – this teaching lead me to feel so much condemnation as a young woman.
And to me, this gives another layer of hypocrisy, given Bickle’s “romantic theology” in which we are to lean into the idea of Jesus as lover. If she’s claiming celibacy for Jesus while at the same time having done what is reported here, it leads to a very literal conclusion that she was cheating on Jesus.
This breaks my heart to read. The revelations surrounding Bickle were bad enough without this coming to light as well. I kept trying to tell myself “it’s not that bad”, and in a sense I was right; it’s worse.
Kevin Prosch. 1990s. My hero. Hero to many. Wild worship. Untamed. Courageous. Prophetic. Then the Fall … Then the Rise again. Restored. Making Music … THEN THIS … CALAMITY … Misty Edwards. IHOPKC Superstar. Pin up girl. SEDUCED (???)Fell for this Intoxicating Man of God (???) … Dangerous paths … Convictions … Videos. Lies. Cover ups. BLACKMAIL. HEINOUS CRIME … Prosch is a MONSTER … Prison for him?? Charade. Poor Misty. Danced with the Devil. Where now??? The truth is Out. Are we surprised??? Rotten to the core. Leaders KNEW. Will this house of cards Fall?? Where do we go from here??? Is there anywhere to go??? God have mercy on them all …
“If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from haShamayim, and I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land.” 11Chronicles 7:14
It is not too late to repent. House cleaning continues, in all of our lives.
Yahshua haMashiach is returning to Yerushalayim, soon. Prepare to meet The Bridegroom!
As a leader in several churches over 45 years and a victim of sexual abuse as a child, one of my ex’s was a worship leader in one of the churches and he ended up being a sex addict, cheating on me with men. Needless to say, what our brothers and sisters NEED is salvation which means being saved, delivered, and healed. If you get saved, but not healed and delivered you will fall into a lifestyle of sin. We have to stop believing that Christians can’t be demonized. There is plenty of help out there in the Body of Christ. You only have to repent & ask! And keep asking until you find it. The truth who is a person, Jesus, and He sets us free.
All believers need to examine following of large ministries and “celebrities”. Get with a small fellowship of believers that is transparent [they are out there] and encourage each other all the more as the days are evil. Fall on our faces, weep and wail for there is sin in the camp. God, purify your Bride. This hurts, but we want to be a spotless Bride for the Lover of our souls.
Yes, with clear accountability structures, written foundation documents, congregational meetings where people are informed about all decision making, plural leadership, etc. Denominational affiliation can be a help but corruption can be denomination wide.
Size isn’t so much a factor I don’t think though. A 30 person fellowship can be very toxic and abusive. So could a house church model (they often are!). But you are right that the large, celebrity driven ministries are particularly susceptible to a certain kind of corruption.
Steve, I agree about the size. Look at how many of these so called churches start out as small take overs of weak and poor churches. They look for the weak and untaught to prey on their money and adulation. Notice how many times when the heat starts going up the creators of these cults will quietly point dingers and jump ship, taking their same corrupted philosophies with them. But, they will one day pay a price before God Almighty. He will not let this go unpunished.
Misty’s greatest influence Kevin Prost and Mike Bickle
on The Jesus Movement Podcast
Misty Edwards : The Current State of Worship Music and the Seasons Ahead
Listen at 6.21 – 7.05
What do we say about those who have posed as one thing and done another? How do we hold them accountable? What about the young people? My greatest hope, is that like my own children who once used their music talents on worship teams with people who turned out to be unworthy of their respect, they will learn from this and heal. Mine are now living serene and happy lives away from all of this toxic drama, narcissism and control. They discuss it with others who have left. The young people get it.
The charismatic, apostolic, full faith, evangelical, grace-no-law movement is a lie. The ‘worship’ is not scriptural and is flaming sexuality, hysteria, emotive and flesh. I know. I grew up in another KC cult that destroyed so many lives. That these highly sexual (hormonal, child bearing years as designed) kids in teens and 20s are recruited to idle around in leadership roles is disgusting. A few years ago this same IHOP had a suicide?murder of a young wife of a ‘leader’ living in a communal home with other young people. So this current unraveling of fornication and adulteries is a given. As I said, I know full well from childhood. Y’shuah (Salvation is His name) is not a Christian. He is The Law. Amos 5 is speaking to Christianity. The writer identifies House of Joseph, House of Israel, vineyard, all of whom are the gentile northern kingdom tribes from Jacob, as described in Genesis 48. Judah, the Jew, in Gen 49 is The Lawgiver. Amos 5:21-23: “I hate, I reject, YOUR festivals, YOUR assemblies…remove from Me the noise of YOUR songs…I will not listen. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream.” Y’shuah is not a Christian…Come out of her my people.
Good points. The Holy Spirit as a gift is to remind us of God’s laws. His teachings. Much of what is claimed is “the spirit” is human emotion… sometimes mixed with something “else”. Sadly – it is seen as too boring for many.
At this point we are in need of a spreadsheet to sort the multiple hypocrisies, sexual escapades, substance abuse issues and frankly, lies of the toxic mess that is Bickle’s IHOP. Thank you, Julie Roys, for holding truth to power and insisting transparency IS justice, IS fairness, IS the moral necessity.
I kept pondering along the way why Misty would not side with the victims of Bickle since it only makes sense (from experience) that there has to be more people afraid to come forward. Abuse metastisizes when hidden; it never decreases. There had to be more. Turns out there was. No wonder evangelicalism is failing us on so many levels. Look at its heroes.
Thanks, Julie Roys for uncovering more of the many threads of dysfunction needed to complete the tapesty of healing for the victims. This hurts us all, a corrupt institution posing as a tax-free non-profit, taking in offerings, and most importantly, vulnerable interns, pretending at morality and some Great Apocalyptic Mission. Ugh. This charade has to end.
What needs to be taught in Church is divorce and remarriage with a living spouse is ADULTERY (Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Rom 7:2-3; 1 Cor 6:1-11; 7:10-12,39). All covenant breakers are liars and will go to hell (Rom 1:31; Rev 21:8). Adultery is not an “affair” but it is stealing another person’s spouse! Fornication, adultery, and all sexual immorality is sin (1Cor 6:9-11; Rev 21:8). Just knowing these scriptures will deter you from committing fornication with an unmarried person or adultery with a married or divorced person. If you know that you can only marry once and must stick with that individual until he/she dies you would be careful to seek God on who to marry and keep your virginity before marriage. The church today is filled with adulterers and adulteresses in leadership instead of disqualifying them from leadership (1Tim 3:2-13)! What is sad are the Christians who sanctify adulterous marriages and persecute those that stand for the truth in God’s Word. Gal 6:7-8, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
Julie thank you for you work. A you tube video popped up on my tv “Torn Curtain by Josuha” and titled “Mike Nicole News Scandal Allegations Update”. He does give credit to you but his reads your article word by word and even shows your video. I don’t know if you are ok with this or it. Just a heads up.
For those thinking Misty had a right to privacy and Brent was wrong for what he did. Everyone must count the the cost of being a leader/teacher in the Church and a traveling minister speaking in other churches and producing worship music and content listened to globally. Misty held a leadership/teaching position. Brent sharing publicly is totally appropriate. Leaders are to be held accountable and must be above reproach. Is she a victim? Yes, a victim of leaders who was also in leadership herself. That had to be addressed anyway you look at it. Leaders do not get a pass to cover-up their sins and secrets. Thank you Brent and thank you Julie and TRR for doing the hard but right thing.
What’s going on here is pretty awful. But I kind of wish the male leadership of IHOPKC had been as busy talking with each other about Bickle’s offenses as they have been about Edwards’.
The “worship” industry needs to just shut down. Each true church should have their own local God fearing, non-attention seeking musicians writing songs that has been given to them by the Holy Spirit. No one needs these narcissistic people who can’t be true to God’s commandments.
This is simply my personal opinion, based on what I can gather from the information in this article – but it sounds to me like the “secret” person Misty was referring to in some of her texts could be Mike Bickle. She said this secret person “found his identity in sin” (which could describe Mike, as he has lived in sin for last 40 years) and wrote that this person would “say he was like David,” which is exactly what Mike Bickle has been quoted as saying multiple times. She also described this secret person as being “well-known.” Joel Richardson said he, himself, was “less concerned with Edwards’ alleged affair with Prosh than he was with Edwards’ other secret.” I watched a video of Joel Richardson on the Remnant Radio last night, and he said that what most people know right now is only about five percent of all of the corruption that has taken place at IHOP.
Isn’t it obvious that the man Misty Edwards is trying to protect is Mike Bickle? Who else could it possibly be? Why else would she be deathly afraid of the truth coming to the light? Who else could influence her so strongly to live in deception and darkness?
For years I have suspected that something was wrong at IHOPKC. None of the messages I heard from Bickle ever seemed to inspired by the same Spirit that inspired the Scriptures.
I tried to warn friends away from IHOPKC and Bickle, but they didn’t find my arguments convincing.
Many of them defended Bickle and made multiple trips to IHOP.
I’m not surprised by any of these allegations. If the person at the top is corrupt, the organization will also be corrupt.
The corruption involved in all these stories (Bickle, Edwards, Prosch, Steeno, etc.) shows that this organization has only had “a form of godliness”.
I’m not a cessationist, but the fact that almost every charismatic church/leader ends up being corrupt makes it very hard not to dismiss the whole thing.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, people. Only he is the Author and protector of our Faith.
Where is the benefit in promoting the failures of a few selfish, sad, week people who have simply sinned. Yes, simply. They traded service for self satisfaction and have been marked as fools for having done so. For every one of these insipid twits there are thousands and thousands of faithful, Christ centric ministry leaders all over the world who face the same temptations every day and just walk away clean a clear. Thank you Jesus for those many who quietly and without any attention serve you and your church so well, and for these pathetic few whom can’t handle it…we’ll leave them to you.