A student from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has made it past the auditions on America’s Got Talent.
Lachuné Boyd, the daughter of a pastor and Master of Music student, sang Coldplay’s song, ‘Yellow’ during her audition.
All four judges were blown away by Boyd’s performance. Simon Cowell said it was a fantastic audition.
“You have a beautiful, beautiful voice, and I am fascinated by you,” said Cowell.
Howie Mandel responded with similar words.
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“Sometimes we get stuck behind walls that we put up ourselves . . . Lachuné knocked hers down and made her dreams come true. Now her life is about to change!” said Judge Howie Mandel.
Fans of Lachuné also cheered her on via Facebook.
“Your audition brought me to happy tears. It moved me, for I thought I was listening to a heavenly angel. I can only imagine what heaven will be like with voices like yours singing praises to our Almighty God,” said a fan on social media.
“You have such a beautiful voice! As important, you’re clearly one who is anointed and called by God to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with your voice…anywhere God calls you to and however God may decide to use your voice,” said another fan.
Boyd is also a vocal coach and has one semester remaining in her graduate degree. In her time at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, she has performed with both the Cowden Hall Band and Southwestern A Cappella Choir.
“Lachuné is nearly finished with her master’s in vocal performance,” said Joseph Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Seminary. “And not only is she gifted as a singer, she is a deep well in her understanding of aesthetics and the biblical foundations of her art as a singer/musician.”
Crider added, “Her versatility as a singer will serve her well in the future as she continues to teach and perform as a Christian deeply rooted in her faith.”
The singer will now move on to the next round of America’s Got Talent, sharing her powerful voice with thousands of people across North America.
This article was originally published at CHVN.
Journalist Colleen Houde is a news writer and on-air host at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
2 Responses
I mean, this was just beautiful.
Makes me cry each time I watch her sing, she is so authentic, true, and a beautiful example to women everywhere to be all God made you to be, Wow. Thank you Lachune.