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Brian Houston Claims ‘Kissing’ Post was ‘Unauthorized’ and ‘Deliberate Attempt to Embarrass’

By Liz Lykins
brian houston x twitter kissing
Hillsong founder Brian Houston is pictured with a public post on X from Feb. 20, 2024, which was quickly deleted. (Screengrab)

Former Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston said an odd post that appeared on his social media account last week saying, “Ladies and girls kissing,” was an attempt to discredit him.

Last Tuesday night, the “kissing” post was published on Houston’s X (formerly Twitter) account. About 15 minutes later, Houston posted, “I think my Twitter may have been hacked.” Both posts have since been deleted.

Now, Houston’s “final comment” on the issue is that the post was a “deliberate attempt” to embarrass him.

“A number of people have had access to my social media accounts,” he said. “We have concluded that someone known to me posted an unauthorized tweet in a deliberate attempt to embarrass and discredit me. Password now changed.”

Houston has also shared a post from a user called Yolanda, who said she is his assistant.

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“Ps Brian’s assistant here! Rest assured we are working on discovering how Ps Brian was hacked,” she wrote. “Our team has ascertained that someone logged into his account from a location within the USA. We’ve changed his password so here’s hoping they no longer have access.”

She added that users should “disregard anything that seems out of the normal” and remember that “Pastor Brian does not contact anyone privately.”

Around 20 minutes after Houston published his “final comment” on the issue, he shared the verse Proverbs 19:28: “An unprincipled witness desecrates justice; the mouths of the wicked spew malice.”

Comments have been limited on Yolanda’s post and Houston’s still published posts.

However, some users had previously commented on Houston’s posts and speculated that Houston’s mistaken X post was actually a Google search, according to Church Leaders.

“Don’t mix your Twitter with Google searches,” one person said.

Another user responded, “(Some) one that hacked Brian Houston’s and then allowed him to recover it in 16 minutes.”

Houston’s “kissing” post comes during multiple years of scandals for the former Hillsong pastor.

Houston, who co-founded Hillsong Church with his wife, Bobbie, resigned from the megachurch in 2022 due to alleged sexual misconductThe Roys Report (TRR) previously reported. An internal investigation revealed Houston had acted inappropriately toward two women. Houston had allegedly spent time alone in a hotel room with a woman, not his wife, in 2019 after consuming anti-anxiety medication and alcohol, the board of directors of Hillsong said.

Hillsong global senior pastor Brian Houston
Senior Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston lead prayer at Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. (Photo courtesy Hillsong Church)

He has since complained that he was “betrayed,” “lied about,” and “defrauded.”

Then in April 2023, Houston pleaded guilty to charges in California of driving under the influence of alcohol after a prior arrest on Feb. 26, 2022, which was less than a month before his resignation from Hillsong.

Houston also made headlines last fall when an Australian court found Houston not guilty of concealing sex abuse by his father, Frank Houston, and not reporting it to the police in AugustTRR previously reported.

Sydney Court Magistrate Gareth Christofi ruled that Houston had a reasonable excuse for not reporting his father’s crimes.

Houston and his wife are currently focused on starting a weekly online ministry and church, he announced last November. “I’m excited about building this new community,” he said.

The pair has now created a new website featuring their bio, posts authored by each of them, their books, ways to connect with them, and videos of “Church Online.”

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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7 Responses

  1. 2019: spent time with 2 females in hotel + anxiolytic + alcohol
    2022: resigned from mega-show church due to sexual misconduct
    2023: pled guilty to DUI charges after prior arrest in 2022
    2023: court ordeal re: concealment of father’s abuse; albeit found not guilty
    Also 2023: planning a new church next year
    2024: starting online church

    Wow. What time has he had to sequester himself for deep introspection, godly repentance and healing? How is it that these people display no shame or remorse at all? Total joke.

    The one who desires pastorship or ministry ought to be “blameless, holy, of good report, one wife, good conduct, sober and not given in to alcohol, or filthy lucre, apt to teach…”

    – from Yeshua thru Paul the apostle, to the church.

    1. Jane,

      That sounds like an epidemic among the religious – and their politicians – Trump says the exact same thing – likewise Matt Gaetz – Loren Boebert – about every ex-Pastor fired from their position for sexual and financial sin….

      Ad nauseum…..

  2. I actually find his explanation reasonable. My sons post silly stuff on NextDoor under my name sometimes, if I leave the screen up.

    1. Cythinia, it’s not posting silly stuff to search for “ladies and girls kissing” on the account of a pastor who is creating scandal after scandal. Most likely he searched it himself. It’s also troubling that someone on his team would sabotage him in this way on the very slim chance that it wasn’t him.

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