At a hearing last October, I discovered I’m the cause of disgraced pastor James MacDonald’s alleged PTSD. And according to a psychological evaluation presented by MacDonald’s legal team, this PTSD is to blame for MacDonald allegedly assaulting a 59-year-old woman last March.
“Once the woman in the car in front of him got out of the car and moved towards him in an angry and agitated state, the years of traumatic memories of being vilified by Julie Roys rushed back to him and triggered a fight or flight response,” MacDonald’s psych evaluation states. “Feeling powerless and misunderstood and essentially trapped in his truck, he got out of the vehicle to fight back against his accuser.”
MacDonald is facing felony assault charges for this incident in Coronado, California, which reportedly left his victim hospitalized for 21 days. But at last October’s hearing, a judge bought the prima facie evidence that MacDonald has PTSD and ruled he is eligible for a mental health diversion. If granted, the charges against MacDonald would be dismissed, pending successful completion of a treatment program.
I have thought all along that MacDonald’s alleged PTSD is a bit too convenient. But this week, I received an invitation by MacDonald’s lawyer that confirmed my suspicions.
In a text, my lawyer wrote: “Just talked to MacDonald’s lawyer. His client proposes 2 meetings: The first meeting will be off the record for you 2 to sit down to see if you’re on the same page. The second meeting would be on the record, but you get to ask the questions.”
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Apparently, MacDonald thinks he has some evidence that will convince me of his innocence in some regard. Yet the time to talk was years ago, when I sought comment from MacDonald for the articles I was writing.
But this is so ironic. MacDonald claims I triggered his PTSD, yet invites me to not just one—but two face-to-face meetings! Either he’s a glutton for punishment, or he’s lying about his PTSD. Based on MacDonald’s past behavior, I’m leaning toward the latter.
Either way, I have no desire to be in the same room with a man who argues he can assault a woman with impunity.
In case you’re new to this saga, MacDonald pastored a multisite megachurch in the Chicago area for more than 30 years but was fired in 2019 for “engaging in conduct contrary and harmful to the best interests of the church.”
I had been reporting on MacDonald’s alleged bullying, pattern of “deceitfulness and manipulation,” and alleged financial misconduct for months.
But the final straw was when Chicago shock-jock Mancow Muller aired a hot mic recording of MacDonald joking about planting child pornography on the computer of an executive at Christianity Today and repeatedly mocking me. For many, it was a shocking window into the vile heart of this man who claimed to be a spiritual leader. But for me, it was simply confirmation of the bad character numerous sources, once close to MacDonald, had described.
Yet what’s most pertinent to MacDonald’s current claim that PTSD caused his recent violent outburst is MacDonald’s well-established pattern of alleged violence that predates his diagnosis.
As I reported previously, witnesses say MacDonald once used a butter knife to repeatedly stab a picture of a former Harvest pastor in front of 15 to 20 close associates to “get his point across.”
He also reportedly displayed a “pattern of uncontrolled anger” while teaching high school students at Harvest Christian Academy, allegedly calling them names and threatening them physically.
A former employee at Camp Harvest in Michigan once told me he saw MacDonald shoot a deer at “point-blank range” and said MacDonald didn’t stop shooting until he was out of ammunition.
But the most disturbing story I reported concerned MacDonald allegedly trying to hire a hitman twice to kill someone.
As bad as those incidents are, recently released depositions from MacDonald’s defamation lawsuit against Muller reveal there’s even more.
In the deposition of former Harvest Bible Chapel Chairman of the Board Dave Corning, Corning confirms an incident where MacDonald became enraged and threw books at a former assistant, hitting her in the eye.
Corning also tells of a time when MacDonald allegedly pushed an audio technician off the deck at MacDonald’s house because the man asked MacDonald to pay him. According to Corning, MacDonald injured the man so badly he needed medical attention.
All of these violent incidents happened well before I began reporting on MacDonald in December 2018—and well before his alleged PTSD. The truth is MacDonald has long been a danger to people around him. And it was just a matter of time before someone got seriously hurt.
But now, because of a very suspect PTSD diagnosis, MacDonald may escape prosecution. I pray that doesn’t happen.
On Wednesday, both the prosecution and MacDonald’s defense will put their mental health experts on the stand at an evidentiary hearing.
I pray the truth about MacDonald’s well-established character and behavior becomes clear and the judge rejects MacDonald’s mental health diversion. For decades, this man has been making excuses for the harm he’s caused others. And it’s time he finally receives justice.
Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals.
72 Responses
Of course, MacDonald was a close friend of Mark Driscoll, and was on the board of Mars Hill Church in the beginning of 2014. As he saws the rapid collapse of Mars Hill Church and the elders finally holding Driscoll to account for his abuse, MacDonald resigned his position on the board of Mars Hill Church, and then publically restored the elders he had abused similarly to the Petry/Meyers abuse that was being told in the 2014 narrative. He was a significant mentor to Mark Driscoll and helped Driscoll be ok with such terrible abuse of those under his leadership. And like Mark Driscoll, MacDonald takes no responsibility for his abuse. Sad.
Seems like a trap to me. I think he wants to use the opportunity to get a reaction from you or more of your disagreements (with a potential camera on his reaction) to support his ridiculous claim. That’s what I think “getting on the same page” means – he’s hoping you’ll say the truth all over again and maybe more. This guy built an empire on having the most information in order to run his narrative.
Wow! Excellent comments here & also Julie’s reporting. I’ll just add this… notice how far apart his wife is in the photo above showing them both walking. 9.5 times out of 10, when my beloved husband & I were walking anywhere, we were side by side & holding hands. The body language is a big clue. May God bring forth the full truth & may true justice prevail. And may the person or persons making the ruling, be an honorable, non-corrupt, Godly judge who has been blessed by the Lord with wisdom, knowledge, discernment, understanding & the courage to do what is right.
Julie, your advocacy for victims and those who actually suffer from PTSD is such a gift. We stand with you and pray that this abuse does not get away with his DARVO tactics. I’m praying.
Seems to be over compensating on his desk gavel… or is this the only way to control the narrative…
It’s a sledgehammer. Might be funny if we didn’t know it’s his tool to manage people while failing to control himself. He’s a huckster & showman. No fruits of the Holy Spirit in this show.
Thanks for standing with integrity Julie, knowing it comes with a cost, via false accusations and slander. And for pointing out the absurdity of McDonald’s hypocrisy in blaming you for his attempts to claim PTSD – despite years of abusive behavior described in this column, by others around him.
Amazing, Julie. Yeah, I wouldn’t meet with him, either. What rarified planet does MacDonald live on?
Considering he mentioned you by name as the basis of what sounds to my non-lawyer ears like an insanity plea, would it be proper and possible (if questionably desirable) for you to contact the prosecutor and offer comment or evidence, or even sworn testimony? The state, including any judge in their right mind, should be interested in whether or not this high-profile violent criminal defendant’s claims stand up to scrutiny.
I’m a board licensed psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, and while I would never diagnose OR advocate removing a diagnosis based on anything but a thorough psychiatric evaluation, based on this information alone this comes no where near meeting the criteria necessary for PTSD. An expert witness would shut this down very fast.
Let’s hope the State’s expert is thorough & credible in his/her diagnosis of James’s mental illness. It will come down to a battle of the experts.
Ms. Roys — Thank you for reporting facts about this alleged Christian leader over the years. We all are better because of your journalism.
If he has PTSD, we hope he heals and repents of his harmful acts. It might be true that the legal system could work to his benefit. But his own theology — if rooted in Christian Scripture — would not allow that to excuse violence of this kind. God sees it all and is not mocked. And accountability always arrives. The only question is, in what form? Though it lingers…
I thought the EXACT same thing about the above picture. I was a member at Harvest and this couple would never be this far apart from each other. Makes my heart sad.
I am concerned with the trend of graceless and carnal actions and words by church authorities. I pray every week before going to church for God’s protection.
However, I am also encouraged by groups of believers crying out, repenting, and following the Lord.
We were warned of the times when love will grow cold! I believe it is happening now.
I am guessing I will be the only one in your comment lists with this opinion. I say meet with him. You will be protected as its not a private meeting. He has been a focus of yours for years. Who knows, Godly repentance? True journalism!
he has proven to be violent, and also to attack women and cause great bodily harm. It would be physically unsafe for her to meet with him.
Can’t at all agree with you James Meyer. MacDonald is a sneaky snake in the grass and will use any opportunity he can to manipulate and discredit Julie. He cannot be trusted even in the least sense of the word and I’m sure Julie knows that. I believe I remember Julie saying that a whole bunch of people from harvest told her MacDonald was dangerous and for that reason she installed security equipment on and in her home. Actually I believe such a meeting would put Julie in imminent danger of being physically hurt and we certainly don’t want that. She is too valuable to the Christian community to take such chances!
There’s not much that shocks or surprises me anymore. But this story definitely did. I actually have PTSD, clinical depression and general anxiety disorder from multiple traumatic events that happened to me so far as an almost 32 year old woman. From what I have read about this man. I highly doubt he has PTSD. Maybe he does. But just from reading this article. It doesn’t sound like he does. Sounds like he is a man with a bad temper who is trying to get out of serving jail time. I would like to know who diagnosed him with PTSD. If he indeed has PTSD. God forgive me for calling him a liar. But I can’t stand when people use their mental illness as a way to get off on certain things. Unless it’s in certain situations. Even it he does have PTSD. He needs to get his anger issues worked on. Also he should be held accountable for his actions. Regardless. He will have to answer to God one day. I know that God is just and merciful. But that doesn’t mean that one gets to live and treat people like dirt. As a pastor, he is called to a higher standard of living.
PTSD, huh? The judge that appears to be in MacDonald’s corner must be presented with a full history of this man’s abusive, violent behavior by the prosecuting attorneys. Perhaps then the light will go on in the judge’s head about what kind of person he’s really dealing with. Of course now, we must remember we are talking about California and the plethora ultra liberal ideologies that exist there. What comes into my mind is, MacDonald is on trial but what justice is there really for the victim that he beat to a pulp in the street and was hospitalized for 21 days?
I believe James MacDonald is a dangerous man. Using Scripture to his own advantage is not biblical. The man appears to me (and I admit, I am no psychiatrist), to be a psychotic narcissist. Who will his next victim be? Will he kill the next person? I pray God intervenes and gets this sick man help. He knows how to use all the tools to his advantage. And that ain’t good. God help him and all those in his path! Keep up the wonderful reporting, Julie! We truly need people like you to speak the truth in this troubled age!
It also is entirely possible James will attack or assault the wrong person who will then exercise their 2A rights to stop him by putting several rounds into the center of his chest. This would be more likely in a state with “Stand Your Ground” and “Castle Doctrine” laws (of which most consider your car to be applicable). James may very well end up pushing up the daisies.
He’s a malignant narcissist that has crossed over into physical violence. He has no insight. You are right to stay away from him, I believe he will just keep escalating. Malignant narcissists are not able to “get better”, nor are they this way “on purpose.” As such, he should receive our grace but also major boundaries and warnings to others. The people in his life that allow his behavior just perpetuate his illness. Thank you Julie for continuing to sound the alarm, I am sorry you have become his target.
Hmmm, shouldn’t we be praying for James? I am eternally thankful that I have received mercy and grace, instead of justice. Does this mean we should enable? No. James clearly needs help. If the court determines mental health counseling is appropriate, then let us pray it leads him to the LORD. “Justice is mine says the LORD,” Romans 12:19.
Did Jesus ever instruct his disciples to pray for the Pharisees, specifically? Why are you not suggesting to pray for the poor woman he put in the hospital for three weeks? God is not a respecter of persons who are famous, unlike us.
Wow. He really takes abusive blameshifting to an art form. You are wise not to meet with him. He’s not a safe person. He’s a narcissistic abuser who has no desire to make things right. If he wanted to make things right, then he would take responsibility and apologize for his assault on this poor woman! And humble himself /repent/ apologize for all the manipulation and abuse he afflicted on the people he was supposed to be shepherding.
Lord, shine your light and hold it there long enough until the judge and everyone else associated with this case see the fullness of truth regarding his behaviors. Bring your justice and healing for those who have been physically and emotionally abused and manipulated by this wolf.
Congratulations. He’s a pretty big guy to be intimidated by you.
Perhaps you should forward this information (documents, emails, texts, etc.) about the offers of the 2 face-to-face meetings to the prosecutor’s office as this is evidence that PTSD is not valid.
Agreed, Charles! The attempts to meet Julie are just an diversion ploy, a twisted way to obfuscate the FACT that he beat a woman so badly that she was in the hospital for 21 days!!! What was the extent of the victim’s injuries that would necessitate such a LONG hospital stay. I would like to remind everyone that many people who have had open heart surgery, brain surgery, and other very serious medical treatments are often able to go home within a few days! Does anyone know the extent/description of the victim’s serious injuries?
Claiming PTSD – when already known as an angry person – is an insult to those who have been traumatized by serving in the military.
It strikes me that if the list of offenses by MacDonald is as you state, we have a reminder that it’s important to bring these offenses forward to authorities. A list of character witnesses with corroborating evidence would be very helpful at trial.
I remember leaving a church over their use of some of his work from “Authentic”, and even back in 2014, the list of issues was pretty long.
California’s Red Flag law should be used against him. That’s the last person I’d want to have access to a gun. Wonder if he thought about that possible consequence for his PTSD claim?
A gentle answer turns away wrath. So does a good exorcism.
Ok, let me get this straight a size 6 lady gave the great mob boss of evangelicalism PTSD so he lost it and beat another lady up, putting her into the hospital. Sounds like a reasonable response from a diabolical narcissist and psychopath
James , you better be thanking the GOD you obviously don’t know that you didn’t hospitalize one of my sisters or nieces. PTSD would be the least of your worries. I know why your wife walks five feet away from you. She probably figures you already have a contract out on yourself to manipulate sympathy .
Hello Randy,
Given Barbara Bass’s husband’s background and skill set, James MacDonald is lucky not to be pushing up the daisies.