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Hillsong Founder Brian Houston’s Wife Defends His Integrity, Character in Social Media Post

By Josh Shepherd
bobbie houston
Brian and Bobbie Houston in Sydney, Australia (Photo via Facebook)

Hillsong Church co-founder and former pastor Bobbie Houston on Monday took to social media to defend her embattled husband, Brian Houston. She called out the “relentless assault” on him and posted to “vindicate his integrity, character, and worth.”

“As a wife of near 46 (years) I’m weary of the relentless assault on this man, weary of the unchallenged, uncontained narratives left to fester,” wrote Bobbie Houston on Instagram. “I vowed to him last (year) that if no one stands up & vindicates his integrity, character & worth, I will.” 

She briefly addressed the current court proceedings against her husband, noting that “Brian can’t speak of it for legal reasons, but I can.”

In August 2021, authorities charged Brian Houston with one count of concealing a serious indictable offense for allegedly failing years prior to report his father Frank’s child sexual abuse to police. Brian Houston pleaded not guilty and made his case this past December during a special, three-week hearing in an Australian court.

Bobbie Houston thanked “thousands around the world” who have prayed for them during the hearings, which made headlines globally. 

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“We endured 13 days in court,” she wrote. “The Crown Prosecution presented eight witnesses. Our Defense presented one—Brian Houston. All evidence was heard, all evidence is recorded.”

brian houston
Brian Houston leaves a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse hearing in Sydney, Australia. (Mick Tsikas/AAP Image via AP/RNS)

In a December hearing before the court adjourned, Brian Houston said on the witness stand: “My father was a serial pedophile and we’ll probably never know the extent of it.” But, Houston added, he believed he was right to not report allegations to police during his father Frank’s lifetime. 

The case is adjourned until June, when final oral arguments will be presented. A ruling by the Magistrate is expected soon after. If convicted, the court could sentence Brian Houston to a prison term of two years or more.

“My husband is a champion … and to endure this after 24 (years) says much about his stoic spirit,” stated Bobbie Houston. 

She referenced events in the year 1999, when Frank Houston first confessed his sex abuse crimes to his son. It is also when Sydney Christian Life Centre led by Frank Houston was merged with Hillsong Church. 

Leaving Hillsong, continuing ministry

Hillsong, a Pentecostal powerhouse, was founded by the Houstons in 1983. 

The church, which draws a reported 150,000 people weekly to services in about 100 locations, accepted the Houstons’ resignation last year. It followed an internal church investigation that found Brian Houston had acted inappropriately toward two women. 

This week, Phil and Lucinda Dooley were commissioned as Hillsong’s global senior pastors. Several who spoke recognized the Houstons’ pivotal role in the church. 

brian bobbie houston
Brian and Bobbie Houston minister at Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. (Photo courtesy Hillsong Church / File)

“We are also grateful, thankful for Pastor Brian and Bobbie,” said Phil Dooley. “Our church would not be what it is today without them.” 

As reported by The Roys Report (TRR), the Houstons have continued to preach throughout Australia and the U.S., including a message Brian Houston delivered against “cancel culture” last year. 

In November, they hosted an apparent ministry comeback event near Hillsong’s flagship campus.

‘Modern day persecution’

With a comment about media outlets that lack integrity, Bobbie Houston described coverage of their ministry over the past year as “accusatory, cowardly, and appalling” and apparently a form of “modern day persecution.” 

She added: “Those who perpetrate it should be sued for defamation & damaging bullying, but because that isn’t the nature of Christ, we will continue to pray for you. Just remember dear ones, that the Courts of Heaven exist & no action or word or ill-intent goes unobserved.”

TRR reached out to the Houstons for further comment but did not hear back. 

Bobbie Houston closed her Instagram post: “We soldier on alongside our King, believing that the finest days for the Body of Christ are before us all – days for boldness & courage; for living in the Truth of who Christ is; for knowing the power of His Spirit; and for loving not one’s life even unto death (Rev); days of great harvest in Jesus dear & glorious Name!”

Freelance journalist Josh Shepherd writes on faith, culture, and public policy for several media outlets. He and his wife live in the Washington, D.C. area with their two children.



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9 Responses

  1. “Just remember dear ones, that the Courts of Heaven exist & no action or word or ill-intent goes unobserved.” ~ Bobbie Houston

    Can’t believe she actually went there. I’ll be glad when the court gives the decision in June.

    Oh, and where is/are the scriptural reference(s) for a Senior pastor let alone the concept of a “Global” one?

    Churches (incorrect/really bad translation) are nothing but businesses and Hillsong is the prime example of what an ecclesia is not.

  2. A man who can’t be faithful to his wife, needs to find an occupation outside of church leadership. Whatever preventative measures that need to be taken, MUST be taken. The old life is buried. Continuing to practice immorality isn’t an option.

  3. This might be some of the most narcissistic words I’ve ever read,

    “we will continue to pray for you. Just remember dear ones, that the Courts of Heaven exist & no action or word or ill-intent goes unobserved.”

    Wow, just wow…for minute go there has been no sense of ownership, repentance or maturity from the Houston’s. It’s been the perpetual victim mentality but as one who’s worked in the mega-multi-site church world this sadly seems to be the norm. Get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, no problem! Blame the system, play the victim, but in no way whatsoever take responsibility!

    Maybe the definition of what true biblical “fruit” is needs to be compared to the “fruit” that’s being produced in most churches today. I think what we would find is the plastic perfect looking fruit, that’s not real fruit at all.

  4. Well I would have thought contacting TRR would have been perfect to vindicate her Scripture twisting word of faith heretical husband I wonder why she didn’t!!’

  5. “Margie Zacharias has broken her silence to defend her late husband, the apologist Ravi Zacharias, from sexual and spiritual abuse findings which caused Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) to reorganise.

    “There is absolutely no way that Ravi is guilty as charged, convicted, cancelled and executed, some even going so far as to claim that he never knew the Lord,” Margie wrote in an email to her friends.

    “It is not because I am in denial. It is because I knew him and because there is absolutely no evidence to support anything contrary,” she continued.”

  6. He has no integrity. Years and Years we asked for help with Hillsong, overseas ignored it. You are part of silencing our voices, and not once have you asked how Australians think about this. I am not talking about the voice of the mongrels that sit in a place they call church. We are peeved off beyond measure. Think about this 1 in 2 Australian Children have been sexually abused according to the latest statistics. We will remain silent until after the trial is over, because we want him to have a fair trial. Which is more than he ever gave to us. Their courts of heaven is questionable, because they keep forgetting God is Just. We want to be a Just people and that matters more to us, than these mongrels who don’t know what true love is nor what just means. We are hurting beyond measure, but we now have a way and that is what our focus is on. Now we get to see if our court and legal system is just or bias. Its 7 years he may face not two, if convicted will he serve that, No. Btw we are not ok. Neither is NZ about them. Just so you know majority of Australians can’t stand crimes against children.

      1. I did a quick search on the internet. I should have wrote according to one survey, in 2021 it was 69%:and in 2022 it went down to 49%. It use to be one in four. I wanted to write something quick because it triggers me. One day it won’t. It’s also not the focus of what I was writing. The point is there is a lot of unreported child sex abuse going on, not just within the church or Hillsong. This situation is not as easy as it seems, there is a lot of complexities. We get to see how our legal system is going to judge it and what the outcome will be. Until the court is finished, I am going to be silent and so will a lot of people in our nation, until it’s over.

  7. Poor things, 13 days in court. That really compares to years of suffering from how many victims? And implying “God is going to get you” to people. She is really exposing how unchristian they are

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