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Costi Hinn Calls Out Mark Driscoll for ‘Sinking His Teeth into Local Pastors’ Via ‘Leadership Coaching’

By Julie Roys
Cost Hinn Mark Driscoll

Costi Hinn, the nephew of Benny Hinn and critic of prosperity preachers, is calling out Mark Driscoll on Twitter today for “sinking his teeth into local pastors in the name of ‘leadership coaching.'” 

According to Hinn, who like Driscoll is a Phoenix-area pastor, Driscoll “treats ministry like a mafia boss treats his crime ring w/ ‘hitmen’ who protect” using “insulation, illusion, & deception.” What’s worse, Hinn says, is that Driscoll is training others to do the same.

“He coaches leaders, (and) is platformed as a church growth expert by men like Larry Osborne,” Hinn tweeted.

Osborne, a longtime pastor at North Coast Church in the San Diego area, hosts a very influential church leadership conference, which until very recently featured Driscoll as a speaker. 

“(L)ike a coach, (Driscoll) creates a culture, develops players, then deploys them into the field,” Costi tweeted. “Some even become coaches themselves. The result? Another generation of Driscoll-like leaders who believe they are the ‘it’ factor & the only ‘annointed,’ under the guise of serving others.”

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Hinn also said Driscoll offers pastors whom he privately coaches something called the “Driscoll contract.” This reportedly is a contract that ensures that the lead pastor is paid a “ridiculous amount of money if fired, and basically makes it so that he cannot be fired (except for blatant adultery).”

Hinn said he recently was invited to a meeting with Driscoll where Driscoll “claimed to be an apostle, boasted about his oversight being from apostles at Gateway Church (Dallas) & no local elders @ Trinity.”

This confirms earlier reporting by The Roys Report, where Gateway Pastor Robert Morris is listed as one of three out-of-state directors of Driscoll’s The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Though Driscoll claims in audio recently leaked to The Roys Report that he now has local elders, Trinity’s 2020 annual report with the state of Arizona lists only Driscoll, Morris, and two other out-of-state leaders, Jimmy Evans and Randal Taylor, as directors. On the audio, Driscoll also refuses to name any of the members of his alleged local elder board.

Hinn also noted in his thread that Driscoll takes no responsibility for the implosion of his former church in Seattle, Mars Hill Church.

“He blamed the Mars Hill fallout on everyone else,” Hinn wrote. “Protecting himself is his top priority. Ensuring that no one could ever dethrone him again.” 

Hinn ends his thread with eight reminders for Christians. These include: “Qualified leaders are paramount to church health.” And, “If you need a contract to keep yourself from getting fired at a church you’re a tyrant. Sheep should be rescued from your control.”




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13 Responses

  1. I listened to the podcast with Costi Hinn, and he seemed like a sincere young man who is trying to do the right thing. However, what universe are we in where “calling someone out on Twitter” (!!!) is big, impressive news? I understand that Mr. Hinn has no authority over Mr. Driscoll. Indeed, nobody has authority over Mr. Driscoll. Nonetheless, come on … Twitter?

      1. I’m also a Calvinist. I’m really happy that Costi is one too. It sort of happens when you take the Bible seriously,

        1. “It sort of happens when you take the Bible seriously.”

          And to think, some people think Calvinists are arrogant. Imagine that.

          I had really hoped Driscoll had changed, although I still thought he was back in ministry too quickly. Heartbreaking how he still has a following.

      2. I’m not Calvinist and have some big issues with it (and do disagree with Costi on some things…) So in a way I agree with you…
        But I have a much bigger beef with the prosperity gospel, 3rd wave charismatic and independent megachurchianity leaders like Driscall, than with Costi. For the most part, that branch of american evangelicalism is a little more thoughtful, generally under better denominational accountability and generally just more steady, or maybe consistent? But neither is Costi above scrutiny. He’s a public figure, more so than ever before and so our prayers and accountable eye shall be upon him. Hopefully he’s surrounded himself with people who will tell him No if he strays in to more egregious behavior (apart from his theology; which to some’s personal experiences, may be egregious enough.)

        But isn’t it fascinating how Driscoll has gone from semi-emergent, to Reformed (where he had the chance to come under accountability to older more mature leaders) to the NAR/kooky charismatic world…which really is the no-rules, no-accountability, money-money wild west of american megachurchianity… (it really is the perfect home for a narcissist like him) My prediction: he’s not going to stop but is going to even further down the crazy path… money grubbing ultra-kooky Jim Bakker land is where Mark’s headed unless there’s some major ‘Damascus road’ experience….

        All to say, if Costi starts swinging wildly like that, then yes, any respect I have for him now, would begin to diminish.

      3. While I’m not a Calvinist, it’s nowhere near the error of the prosperity “gospel.” Calvinists are brothers and sisters. Prosperity teachers are wolves.

  2. What’s worse, Hinn says, is that Driscoll is training others to do the same.

    “You cross land and sea to make one convert, and when you do you make him twice the child of Hell as yourself!”
    — Some Rabbi from Nazareth

  3. Hinn said he recently was invited to a meeting with Driscoll where Driscoll “claimed to be an apostle, boasted about his oversight being from apostles at Gateway Church (Dallas) & no local elders @ Trinity.”

    Like Chuckles Mahaney titling himself “Head Apostle of the People of Destiny”? (Ego Much?)

    “If you come across a preacher who has titled himself ‘Apostle’ or ‘Prophet’, RUN!”
    — my writing partner (the burned-out preacher-man)

    1. Stanley Goodwin, that’s an important point. It’s interesting that Mr. Hinn’s number one point is, “Qualified leaders are paramount to church health.” Yes, a church is healthier with “qualified” rather than “unqualified” “leaders,” but much more important is that a church have Christ-following, informed, responsible, and discerning congregants.

      “Leaders” aren’t born with a big L badge pinned on their diaper, all set for life. If nobody chooses to follow, then the “unqualified” “leader” isn’t a leader at all. He’s just some guy talking to his cat or trolling Twitter for his narcissistic supply.

  4. It is one thing for someone to get involved with Driscoll and his church due to ignorance but those pastors on his board are not ignorant of the facts and this should tell people everything they need to know about those pastors and their priorities (hint $$$).

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